Monday, December 3, 2012

December 3, 2012

Day 1
weight: 128.4
Workout: p90x yoga
A year ago

Starting an elimination diet today to try to find out if I have a food sensitivity that is causing inflammation all over my body.  I am committing to 2 weeks and if I don't feel better I'm going to have the blood test done.


This year I've really tried to figure out my body/health issues.  Talked to my primary care physician this spring about carpal tunnel and what I considered to be a high heart rate while I was exercising.  He sent me off to get an EMG for carpal tunnel and to the cardiologist for the heart.  EMG came back as mild CTS in my right arm and the hand surgeon told me he wanted to wait 10 years to do surgery - which I think blows.  Cardiologist had me do a stress test and said all was normal.  My cholesterol at that point was 280, but I swear it was because I ate a bunch of bacon the weekend before at the regional.  Anyway, at that point I decided I wasn't going back to my pcp for anything because now I just feel like its in my head.

I read online that chiropractors can help with CTS... takes me several months to finally go in to see one - and this time I like him (2 previous chiros that I saw for my back a few years ago made me uncomfortable with the way they were blatantly manipulating the insurance company).  I told him that I feel like I have tendinitis everywhere - ankle, knee, elbow.  I have CTS.  I have herniated L4/L5 and my lower back gets stiff when I stand up from sitting.  My neck has begun to hurt like my lower back.  And I've tweaked something in my inner elbow that hurts quite often throughout the day.  I feel like a mess.  Everything hurts at some point - wrists, hips, back, neck, knees, ankles.

He started giving me adjustments for my neck and back and doing acupuncture for neck/back/CTS/inside elbow.  He also ordered xrays of my neck - shows slight arthritis - and he's sure I have it in my lower back, too.  Orders a blood test, which comes back showing that I have slightly low blood sugar and indications that I have a low-level infection, and low Vitamin D (cholesterol is now 231!)  Gives me some herbal supplements for the infection, which end up clearing up a recurring blister I'd been having on the roof of my mouth since July 4th, as well as recent continual sores in my nose.  Tells me I seem to be an inflammatory person - perhaps I have a food sensitivity and tells me about a blood test that is rather expensive and not covered by insurance.  I asked if I could do an elimination diet instead.

So that is where I'm at.  Today is Day 1 - eliminating gluten, dairy (except eggs), sugar, alcohol, caffeine, processed foods.  

It is 4:55 and I'm feeling decent - haven't had a cup of coffee and have been fine (although now beginning to feel a slight headache, but I've been at the computer for several hours). I had steel-cut oats for breakfast (pretty sure those are gluten free, if not then I'm out of the whole thing), and a green smoothie & some almonds for lunch.  Getting ready to have a hard-boiled egg and some figs or dates.  Will be making lentil stew for dinner.  I hope I feel different after these 2 weeks - I really want to figure out whats going on... I'm also having sleeping issues.  I feel fine otherwise, just always kind of tired and achy/sore.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Jana, Rob has steel cuts at least a couple times of break and it doesn't affect his gluten intolerance.