Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 11, 2012

Day 8
weight: 126.2
workout: none
Currently taking: NKStim, glucosamine (for arthritis & joints), Vit D3, and Vit b6.
one year ago

I'm totally kicking this elimination diet's butt.  I have been gluten / dairy / sugar free for 8 days now and its totally fine.  I caved to some wine on Friday and Saturday night and caved to caffeine on Saturday.

Friday morning I suddenly got terribly nauseous around 9:30, I took another sip of my tea and threw up.  My stomach didn't calm down for a while after that.  Saturday morning I felt the same way, although I fended off the vomiting.  By that point, too, I was so incredibly tired by 7:30 at night for the previous 2 nights I could have gone to bed and slept until the morning.  Detox was kicking my butt.

I gave in because I figured I'm not giving up coffee and wine for the rest of my life - if I have a sensitivity to those things then I've got a bigger problem.

I made it through the Edward Jones party on Saturday night without having gluten, dairy or sugar, which was actually not terribly hard - most of the appetizers (thats all we had) were just vegetables & meat.  There was some cheese but I didn't have those.  I also made it through cookie decorating with the Kooistra's without having anything.  I think its easier for me to be all or nothing.  I have a difficult time with moderation, I think.  

Still waiting to figure out if this is going to help with any inflammation issues.  So far my carpal tunnel is pretty much the same.  My neck feels better, my back is the same, ankles & knees are better.  I am wondering, though, how to know whether it is the acupuncture, the diet, or the supplements that is making the difference.

Also - decided to not workout for a few weeks so I don't confuse my body and make it sore when I'm trying to determine if food is causing trouble.

1 comment:

April said...

I love that you are doing this! I just wanted to let you know that when I have had too much dairy (such as the last week) my joints swell as do my fingers. It actually takes at least two full weeks for the swelling to get back to normal. I hate the waiting because I do not like how it feels and yet I will still do this to myself again...lets just say Chocolate mousse and cheese were what I wanted last weekend :).