Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday April 11, 2011

Workout: Biggest Loser Cardio Max
Time: 40:00
Weight: 127.0

Ugh - ticks me off to even type that weight.  I got down as low as 122.6 last week.  And now, because I'm dumb I'm back up to 127.0.  I know it is mainly water retention, but I didn't make good choices over the weekend either.  Last week was also pretty full of processed prepackaged meals (lean cuisines), which are horrible for water retention.  Regardless, I didn't gain 5 lbs in less than a week - not possible.  So I'm not worried about it, just aggravated...  

Last Monday I started eating 5-6 small meals each day with a little lean protein and good carbs in each one.  My days are basically like this:

7:30/8:00 - 6oz container of greek yogurt

10:30 - oatmeal with 1/2 apple (need to add some protein to this meal)
2:00 - tuna/spinach/bean salad & 1c. frozen mixed veggies
4:30 - 1 apple or banana & 15 almonds
6:30 - dinner

Last week's dinner was a lean cuisine.  This week I'm cooking 2-3 nights.  Tonight I'm making Santa Fe Chicken Casserole - recipe from the container of Philadelphia cooking creme.  That + a salad should be pretty carb/protein balanced.  

This is my 3rd week of BL Cardio Max so I added the 10 minute level 2 section.  Ugh.  Bob Harper is trying to make me fall down by doing squats & lunges to exhaustion & then Jillian Michaels wants me to have a heart attack from doing constant high intensity aerobics.  Thanks, guys.  Seriously, the squats and lunges with Bob...  I have uber strong legs.  I can leg press 200lbs pretty easily.  I have never maxed out my weighted squats.  When I used to do weighted walking lunges or single squats or step ups I was only limited by how much I could carry in my hands or on my shoulders - my legs were never the muscle to give out.  Now, thanks to Bob, I have almost fallen down twice while doing his workouts because my quads are so fatigued they almost just give out.  I'm pretty amazed by that.  It is tough.  And my heart rate is UP.  I'm huffing & puffing through most of the workout.  Its good.

I'm getting the twitch to run.  Weather is nicer.  Sun is out.  But I need new shoes and I want to wait until after Easter.  I think I'm going to stick with 3 miles and maybe 5 miles on a weekend afternoon just because its nice.  I don't know yet - I want to love it again and not feel tied to it.  I'm enjoying these workout videos, so I'm not ready to give that up - I NEED to build my muscles again.

1 comment:

Netherland said...

Let me preface this by saying I have lost and maintained a nearly 40lb weight loss through eating and working out. I've completed a half marathon, run 20 miles weekly and have done numerous workout DVD's...including the original Biggest Loser DVD and even Jillian's separate workout DVD's. I don't say this to toot my own horn, but to give you a gauge as to how someone who's in good shape views this DVD.