Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday March 25, 2011

Workout: Biggest Loser Cardio Max dvd
Time: 30:00
Weight: 124.4

I need to know why Bob Harper has a personal vendetta against me and why he is trying to destroy my body.  Holy schmoly these workouts kick my butt.

This one and the one I did yesterday (bootcamp) both heavily emphasize exercises that get your heart rate up & work large muscles at the same time.  So there are a whole lot of squats and lunges.  My hamstrings are sore!  And while I'm doing it, I feel like I'm breathing so loud that I could wake up the girls!  There is absolutely no rhythm to my breathing like there is with running, it is just huffing.

I have been eating well, but have been under on my calories for the past couple of days.  I'm not too upset about that as I'll tend to go over on Saturday/Sunday.   Happy to see my weight stay consistent in the 124's and hope to see it drop into the 123's next week - I feel like it might finally happen now that I've stopped running.

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