Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday May 27, 2011

Workout: 30day shred + 2 miles on the treadmill
Friends: The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad

I took a day off from working out due to being over tired.  Not sure whats up again - maybe it is because I ate ice cream on Monday and Tuesday nights.  Could that sugar have that big of an effect on me?  

I ran 2.5 miles (30:00) on Monday morning and did my old Rodney Yee Yoga for Flexibility DVD.  Tuesday I did BL Bootcamp (all three levels = 60:00).  Wednesday I ran 2.5 miles and did Rodney Yee Yoga for Power.  Here I've been looking for a good yoga dvd and this one has been in my bookcase for years and it is perfect.  Pretty much exactly what I'm looking for... I did it years ago, but had never done yoga before and didn't get it.  Now I totally do and this one rocks.

Today I did level 1 of Jillian Michaels' 30day Shred.  Ouch.  It is only 20 minutes, but it is a really, really hard 20 minutes.  Then I ran on the treadmill - barefoot - for 2 miles (24:00).  I'll be interested to see where I'm sore tonight and tomorrow as the 30DS is going to make me sore and the barefoot running is going to cause soreness in places I didn't know existed. It will definitely be interesting.

Jason, Dave and I are also doing the 100 pushup challenge beginning Monday.  I did my initial test last night and did 21 consecutive pushups to failure.  When I was going to start the plan in March I did 17 pushups, so I've already increased my strength since then, which makes me happy!

After my workout today I came up with a good workout plan, which I've been lacking.

M/W/F - Running barefoot 2 miles + RY Yoga for flexibility + 100 pushups challenge
T/Th/S - 30DS + running 30:00 in running shoes

Hopefully that will help me build strength and gain muscle and flexibility.  I will also start tracking my calories on Tuesday.  Not sure that I want to focus on my weight number as I should be adding muscle and therefore may not be losing weight, but I don't think I've been eating enough since starting this sugar/yeast/alcohol fast. 

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