Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday May 11, 2011

Day 3 of the sugar/alcohol/yeast fast.

I caved on the caffeine and decided it was the least of my worries.  I have cut down a lot though - having only 1 cup of coffee each day rather than nearly a whole 8cup pot.  Yesterday I made it until 7pm before I finally gave in and brewed one cup just so I could chase away the dull head ache I had all day.  This morning I just set it up right away and had one just now because I wanted one, not because my head hurt.  

Yesterday, I believe I had some yeast at the end of the day.  Dave wasn't home for dinner so I ate pretty late and all I could find was something with noodles in it - either chicken noodle soup or a frozen meal with pasta.  So I opted for a sweet potato & the frozen meal.  All in all, not horrible, but not a complete fast either.

So far my energy level has increased dramatically.  I don't know if I can definitely point to the fast as the reason or if it is just a difference in weather or what.  My head feels clearer, my disposition is more positive than it has been, and I feel like i have the energy to do stuff again.  My thoughts are getting untangled and I'm beginning to feel like myself again.  I do NOT know what was going on - whatever it was, it was horrible and disorienting as I really did not feel like myself.

I'm beginning to think about what I want to do in terms of working out.  I'm trying to think about what i ultimately want.  And right now, I think I just want to feel strong and fit.  Which means that I need to get back to decent cardio and some better weight training.  I'm thinking of running 3 miles 3 days/week & lifting weights 2 days per week.  I generally like to work out 6 days/week, so I'm not sure what to do for that 6th day.  I haven't fleshed anything out yet, but I need to try to take some time to figure it out.

I think ideally, if I could run for 30 minutes and come home and do 20-30 min of yoga immediately afterward, that would rock.  I need to find a decent yoga video, though, because if I'm going to do that I don't want to do the hard-core power yoga of Jillian Michaels or P90x.  And the sucky thing would be that I need to start getting up at 5-5:15 again.  Ugh.

Then on my weight days I could go to the gym and do light cardio for 15-20 minutes and do some good weight lifting for 30-40 minutes.  Again - would need to get up at 5/5:15.

Will need to discuss this with Dave to see what his intentions are for working out so our mornings don't conflict.  I need to get back into it and I don't think the Biggest Loser DVDs were good for me - my body was so stiff and my back hurt so badly when I was doing them.  The break has been good.  I need to get back, though.

1 comment:

April said...

I amd so glad you saw the candida problemo. My sister in law just finished an intense candida cleanse where she had to do all these liquidy drinks for a week long to start the cleanse. She realized that she has been struggling with candida for a while and had to hit it hard. The thing though is she noticed the same symptoms as you in her life and as she did the cleanse, she saw the same rewards. It is indeed an amazing injustice when medical doctos won't acknoledge it as a problem since it is ravaging so many lives. Anyway, glad you are finding what works and your energy and clarity of mind have returned as well. YAY!