Monday, June 6, 2011

Monday June 6, 2011

Workout: 2 1/2 miles barefoot 
Yoga for Flexibility
push up challenge

Ugh, everything about me this morning was painful... waking up, back, shoulders, ankles, calves, shins.  I didn't sleep well at all last night - full night of tossing and turning & restlessness.  Hamster is dying and I felt like I was thinking about that all night.  Got up to workout at 5:50 because I was awake anyway.  

Running barefoot was fine.  I felt pain all throughout my lower legs - shins & ankles, but over time it dissipates and moves somewhere else.  Still interesting to realize how much more I can evaluate how I'm really feeling while I'm running, simply because I'm running slower & easier.  Heart rate was consistently in the upper 150's.  I"m going to stay at 5.0 this week yet and if it is still in the 150's, I'd like to move up to maybe 5.5 and see how that goes.

Pushup challenge was a challenge.  Sets were 14, 14, 10, 10, max (at least 15).  I maxed at 15 and that was a struggle.  I was struggling through the first set of 14.  Last week seemed pretty easy, this was pretty difficult.  

I did not do the entire Yoga dvd because I had such an incredible kink in my neck that I couldn't turn my head.  It was hurting pretty bad throughout my run, too.  I got through all of the sun salutations, but stopped after doing the hamstrings stretches at the end.  I really didn't cut that much out, I guess.  The sun salutations were also somewhat difficult this morning because my body was already tired and I had just exhausted my arms on the pushup challenge... downward dog takes a lot of arm strength and was hard to do this morning.

Better workout on the horizon tomorrow - hopefully a better night of sleep tonight. 

1 comment:

Amy said...

You should ask my mom about when our guinea pig Snickers was dying and all three of were crying for days. So depressing! My mom even called a vet to talk about the costs of euthanasia for the poor critter.