Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tuesday June 1, 2011

30:00 barefoot running
pushup challenge

25:00 Rodney Yee yoga for flexibility
Friends: The One With The Ring

Running was interesting this morning.  I felt good and my heart rate actually stayed around 156bpm, which is pretty awesome.  I wonder why it was so much lower today?  Breathing and heart rate felt good, the bottoms of my feet are a little tender right now, though.  I didn't feel that way on Friday when I ran barefoot, but I added an extra 6:00 today - maybe that is why?  The running was interesting though, because I could feel aches and pains come and go.  My left ankle hurt for the first portion and then after a while the pain was gone.  Then my right ankle started hurting.  Its kind of fun to be in such a state of awareness while running, rather than trying so hard to mentally block every single detail out.

I skipped day 1 of the pushup challenge (Monday - Memorial Day) and did day 2 today.  I accidentally reversed the first sets, but I think I'm still good. 10, 12, 8, 8, max (19 for me today).  I love feeling strong!

I think Yoga definitely helps with strength - even this yoga focused on flexibility.  Downward dog is a lot of shoulder and arm strength building.  We also do a lot of pushup position (plank with your arms bent - holding yourself just barely off of the ground), which is great for triceps.  I enjoy this yoga video - it is a nice, easy flow with fantastic cues and I feel like it is a great way to stretch after running.  Loving it!

Started to count calories yesterday and I"m just not sure I can do it.  I'm not sure I can focus on eating more plants, more fiber, less white starch & sugar and then count calories, too.  I COULD if all of my stuff was already in the database, but I have to enter recipes for the meals that I make and that is such a pain.  Like yesterday we had a salad with dinner - it was 3 kinds of lettuce, yellow peppers, onion, dates, peas, almonds & tomatoes.  I didn't measure any of it.  Not sure how I'm supposed to count all of that.  We also had tilapia fillets coated in bread crumbs (and baked).  How do I account for the bread crumbs when the recipe called for 1 1/2 cups, but there was probably 1/2 cup left in the dipping plate & a bunch left on the baking sheet?  I guess for me it is going to come down to eating healthy & creating better habits.  I think I do both already, its just a matter of sticking with it and not going too far overboard when I splurge (like having 3 pieces of whopper ice cream dessert the other night instead of just one).

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