Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday August 28, 2010

Workout: 11.25 miles
Time: 1:51:35
Pace: 9:54 
Weight: 125.4
Two Years Ago

I ran at Old Plank Trail in Frankfort this morning.  What a huge difference a flat route makes - wow!  It was also nice and cool and no humidity, which also makes a big difference.

The trail is paved, wide, flat and beautiful.  And I did really, really well.  I took a break at 3 miles, 6 miles and 8 1/2 miles and walked a short bit.  By the 8 1/2 mile point, I was ready to be done - my body was over it, but I made short goals for myself and allowed a little more walking in the last 2 1/2 mile stretch and because of that, I finished the last mile very strong.  I can't believe the difference between this week and last week.  I actually feel like I could run this race and be okay.

I did not blog about it, but I also ran 6.5 miles on Thursday morning at the same pace (9:54).  It was a tough run after having done intervals the day before, but it was good.  The change in weather makes it so much more enjoyable.  AND there was an amazing sunrise that stretched across the sky from Orland all the way to Will-Cook Rd and I really focused on looking at it and appreciating it, which took my mind off of the actually physical activity that I was doing :) 

I've also been focusing on telling myself how well I'm doing and how good I'm feeling, instead of how miserable I feel.  That seems to make a big difference, too!

I'm definitely looking forward to my taper weeks and to running less mileage after the race.  I think I'm going to cut down to 3 miles a couple of times a week and maybe 5 on Saturday. That sounds like a BREEZE to me right now - I can't wait!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday August 23 & Tuesday August 24, 2010

Mon Workout: 6.43 miles
Time: 1:02:46
Pace: 9:45?
Weight: 128.0

Ran outside and felt really good.  I made a very conscious effort to tell myself that I felt good rather than miserable and I think it helped.  The lower humidity also helped - I have to believe that the high humidity really affects me on those long runs.  I ran the whole thing with only one short walking break that I had given myself permission to take early on (as a goal... I actually had given myself permission to walk up one of the worst hills, but then ended up running up that hill and walking to recover afterward).  This was a major accomplishment for me, since my running has been so sub-par lately and filled with a lot of walking breaks.  The run today - which was supposed to be 6 miles - was a big confidence booster... so much so that I added some to it while I was running, just because I felt good.

I also made myself a protein smoothie afterward as a recovery drink.  I think that helps and I'm going to do that after every run from now on.

Tue Workout: 25:00 cross training + upper body
Weight: 126.0

I cut 5 minutes off of the cross training and cut out a couple of muscles in the strength training due to time (should have been 30:00 cross).  I really need to get to the gym earlier than I did if I want to have any quiet time afterward / before the girls get up for school.

The workout was so-so.  I did the pre-cor machine next to carissa, so I didn't hit it hard, but my heart rate was in the 120's, which is acceptable.  Strength training was good, even if I omitted biceps and chest.  The exercises I did, I did well and I added 50 reps of the ab machine.

Weight: Now that school has begun I am officially watching what I eat and trying to lose the 3-5 pounds that I've gained.  I have been dutifully drinking water throughout the day and have cut out my devotion/coffee treat, which always starts out with good intentions, but ends up going overboard.  That is the biggest thing I miss when I watch what I eat - that treat with my devotions and coffee, but it gets out of hand and I need to cut it.  I haven't made any rules for myself, just focus on eating less and eating better and making sure I have that recovery drink after my runs.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Saturday August 21, 2010

Workout: 10 miles
Time: 1:44:03
Pace: 10:24
Weight: 127.2
Two Years Ago

Ran Waterfall Glen with Michelle this morning.  I still suck.  It was humid again and my clothes could be wrung out at the end.  I felt bad with all of the times that I made Michelle stop to walk, but she didn't seem to care too much.  I don't know what it is with me... I get so disappointed in myself when I stop so much, but my body stops without my mind intending to do so.

Oh well, another run to mark off...  I really need to start focusing on being healthy again - drinking my water, eating right, running better, doing my cross training and strength training.  Its time to put it all together and be more consistent and intentional about it all.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday August 18, 2010

Workout: 6.3 miles
Time: 60:00
Pace: 9:31
Weight: 125.4
Two Years Ago

Got up to run outside this morning and saw that it was wet and the sky had dark clouds.  That was pretty much all I needed to go back to bed.  Any excuse is a good one right now.

As I lay there and realized that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep, I decided that I needed to run anyway, but in the meantime, Cornbread had decided to go to the gym - so the treadmill it was.

Ran at a 2% incline at 6.3mph.  It was tough.  I think that usually when I run with an incline I do so at a slower pace.  This was really hard.  My body hurt for the first 1 1/2 miles.

My tapeworm is also back.  After saturday's 10 miles I was fine.  But today and Monday, I feel like I can't get full.  I hate that feeling and am not sure what to do to fix it right now.

My body is so tired.  Monday and today I have been entirely exhausted... not in a good way.  I've gotten enough sleep, but my body is exhausted and I'm dragging.  Yesterday, I slept in and skipped working out and I was fine.  This is nearly debilitating - I feel like all I want to do is sit on the couch and read or watch tv.  Something needs to change about this... I'm not sure if its because I'm getting up early in the morning to run or if my body is just this physically tired out, but hopefully after school begins next week, I'll be able to get a better handle on it.  My feet and ankles are incredibly sore, too, and I've run in my newest shoes this week, so it can't be worn out shoes.  

Also desperately need to drink more water.  Maybe that will help some of these issues, not sure.  I can't keep this up very well - I feel completely useless on the days that I run and that is not helpful at all.  Doesn't help that we are this close to the end of summer and I NEED some time to myself - lack of motivation in all areas of life right now.  

Perhaps, ultimately, the thing I need to do is rethink running this race in September - maybe I just CAN'T do it.  Maybe I'm pushing too hard and my body is pushing back.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday August 16, 2010

Workout: 5.5 miles
Time: 52:39
Pace: 9:34
Weight: 125.4

The humidity is finally gone.  It was actually somewhat chilly when I went out this morning, which is a drastic change from the whole rest of the summer.  We have had the air on everyday since the middle of June and it has been really unbearable.  Running in that weather is horrible... as evidenced by my shorts falling down on Saturday's run.

The run this morning was good, although I hated almost every second of it:)  I made it to the drinking fountain (3 miles) without any walking breaks, which has not happened in several weeks.  I struggled a bit on some of the hills on the way home, but for the last mile I was determined to make it up all of the hills and I did.  

I figured out that I really need the right music to settle in and just run.  I've put a bunch of new music on my ipod and I think that has had a bad affect on my performance.  I settle in really well when I have a strong beat.  I'm going to have to change up my playlist and pare it down to my perfect songs again.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Saturday August 24, 2010

Workout: Scheduled - 10 miles; Actual - 9 1/2 - 10
Weight: ?
Two Years Ago

Cornbread and I met Mark at the Waterfall Glen forest preserve in Darien (Argonne National Laboratories) at 6:30am to do a 9-10 mile trail run.  Cornbread hasn't run since before we went to Yosemite because he hurt his heel when he jumped off of a rock.  He's been working out, but hasn't been running.  He thought he could probably do it by now.  In addition, my sister and family were at our house for the weekend, so we had babysitters in the morning.  AND, since my confidence is so low right now, I really wanted to run with someone for the long run.

The trail map said the trail was 9 miles and the stuff I saw on the web said 9 miles, but after we hit the 9 mile marker we ran another 1/2 - 1 mile to get back to our car.  So I'm not sure what the exact mileage was, but it was certainly over 9.

Mark has not done much running this year, so he wasn't quite as up to it as I think he anticipated.  I was miserable for the first 2 miles and really wanted to stop to walk, but wouldn't give in and make them stop.  He stopped right at that point and we took a break to walk.  The next 2 miles were again kind of miserable, but I was just starting to settle in and get into a groove and then he stopped again, around 4 miles.  It was kind of this way for the first 6 miles... by that point I was definitely settled in.  We stopped at a bathroom at 7 miles and Mark never really got it back after that.  I was okay for the next 2 miles, but mile 8-10 were rough for me and I stopped more often to walk, but for shorter breaks.

The weather was not hot, but it was incredibly humid and by mile 7 my shorts were falling off.  The mosquitos were also bad - we had sprayed before we started, but had to stop around mile 6 to reapply  because we had sweat it off and they were biting me everywhere.

It was kind of a miserable situation, however, it was kind of fun and I'm glad we did it.  Its a nice run and I would definitely go again.  Much nicer to run on a trail like that than through the neighborhoods.  Next week: 11 miles.  UGH.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday August 10,. 2010

Workout: 5.66 miles
Time: 57:33
Pace: 10:10
Weight: ?
Two Years Ago

Got up and checked on the state of the humidity and decided that it was okay enough to go.  Besidse, the sky got me - it was beautiful when I stepped outside.

It wasn't the greatest run I've ever done, but I didn't expect it to be, so I just did what I could.  I ended up taking some longer walking breaks because of the humidity and the lack of water.  Longer like a whole song - probably close to 1/4 mile twice during the run.  So I'm pretty happy with my time.  I did think that it would be a longer distance though, but oh well.

It was nice to run on totally flat roads.  There were no hills to dread or recover from, so that was a really nice change of pace.  But there was also a lack of familiarity with the route so I didn't have a certain goal in mind before I stopped to walk or (like at home stop at a drinking fountain).  It is always fun to run in a new place.

At any rate, I feel better about myself and my running again.  I am probably 5 pounds too heavy right now and I need to do something about that after school begins, but I'm not concerned about it right now - can't really do anything until then anyway.  I do not like the way I feel, though, and that is my motivator for losing it and hopefully 5 more after that.  Ugh - I hate dieting.  I wish weight wasn't such hard work.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday August 10, 2010

I suck, I suck, I suck.

I got up yesterday morning to do 5.5 and saw that it was rainy and went back to bed.  Basically, any excuse is a good excuse for me right now...

I figured I could run in the evening by my mom and dad's (the girls and I are visiting for the week).  But I got here and the humidity is unreal and even when the sun went down it was awful.  I've done my high humidity runs and my clothes are basically falling off near the end... I really have no desire to do it again.

I'm so discouraged.

I need school to start.  I need a routine.  

Although, I KNOW I felt this way last August/end of summer.  Like I sucked and couldn't get it going, so I need to trudge along and get my miles in.  I may be taking this week off with the exception of the long run on Saturday, because I'm not running in this weather and I can't access my mom and dad's treadmill right now.  So I may have to consider it a wash for the week.  Great.... at least at home I can manage to get miles in on the treadmill - this is extra discouraging.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday August 7, 2010

Workout: Long Run - supposed to be 9 1/2 miles
Distance: 1.5 miles outside, 9 miles on treadmill
Weight: 127.4

I have a serious mental block going right now.  A really bad one.  Probably worse than it ever has been.  This is not just about running straight and not stopping to walk, this is about running at. all.

I mapped out a good 9 1/2 mile route for this morning.  I slept until 8.  I had a little bowl of granola with milk before I went out.  I griped about going and then walked out the door with the intention of running slowly.  And immediately I was unhappy and tired and wanted to stop, but I pushed through thinking that if I could get through a mile, I would get through the whole thing.  After I hit a mile, however, I just became overwhelmed at the enormity of the run.  The distance.  The route.  The time.  The hills.  The number of long runs I had left before the race.  How tired my legs already felt (probably not a good idea to do hard intervals the day before a long run).  Had the route not passed by my street at that point, I would have finished, but unfortunately, it was simply to easy to turn home and I did.  And I'm still mad at myself.

I sat for a few minutes and debated about whether I should finish on the treadmill or skip it altogether.  I also debated about whether or not I even wanted to run in this race.  And I checked other training plans to find out what their long runs would be for today.  Our previous plan (novice) would have been 6 miles.  The intermediate plan would have been 8.  So I wasn't too far off with my 9 1/2.

I finally decided to finish on the treadmill.  But I would run at an incline to make it a better workout.

So I ran 9 miles on the treadmill.  Most of it at a 2.5% incline.  A short time at 3% and a short time at 2%.

And I am tired.  And still discouraged.  I'm going to have to beg Cornbread or Michelle to run 10 with me next week to get me through it.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday August 6, 2010

Workout: Supposed to be 30 minutes cross training + strength (lower body)
               Actual - 45:00 intervals on the treadmill
Weight: 127.4
Distance: 5.0
Time: 47:07
Two Years Ago

Struggled to get up and go to the gym this morning, but ultimately I wasn't falling back to sleep so I got up and went.  I really, really didn't feel like cross training and doing lower body weight training either.  Since I didn't work out yesterday (was going to do the stairs with Michelle, but she was too tired and I didn't want to do them in the humidity), I decided to hit it hard with intervals on the treadmill.  I did 5 minutes at 6.0 as a warm up and then alternated between 1/4 mile at 7.0 and 1/4 mile at 6.0.  I did a 3/4 mile cool down at 6.0 to reach an even 5 miles.  My pace averaged out at 9:28.

It was tough, but definitely do-able.

The humidity and temperature are supposed to be lower today and tomorrow.  I'm supposed to run 9 1/2 miles tomorrow so I need to plan that route sometime today.  Hopefully, with the cooler temps tomorrow morning it won't be as much of a struggle.  I need a good run to give me back some confidence and motivation.  

I also need to lose this weight that I've seemed to gain (vacation?).  I need school to begin so I can get back to being disciplined and have a better routine during the day.  This summer has been really difficult for me to focus on anything and create any kind of routine.  I really feel like I'm simply existing and I really, really don't like that feeling.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday August 4, 2010

Workout: 5.5 miles
Time: 55:00
Weight: 127.0
Two Years Ago

Got up to run this morning at 5:30am and went downstairs and saw that every single window in the house was fogged up with condensation.  This was not a good sign... I took a step outside and although it was not too warm, the humidity hit me like a wall.  There was NO way I was running in that, so I went back to bed.  And within 30 minutes a downpour and thunderstorm began, so I was pretty happy with my decision.

Instead, I ran on the treadmill.  I ran 6.0 mph at a 3 or 3.5% incline (I don't remember).  It was tough and I briefly hopped off every time I had to turn a page, so I ran an extra mile at 0% incline to make up for the hop offs.

I'm really struggling as of late.  I need to register for the race, because I'm about ready to opt out of it.  I'm not enjoying the running or the training right now.  I'm not entirely sure what I need to do to change that as I'm not entirely sure why I'm not enjoying it.

Perhaps it is diet and weight related.  I am certain, though, that I'm running too fast, which is making it difficult to sustain any significant amount of time.  When I walk as much as I did on Monday and my pace still averages out to be 9:48/mile that means I'm definitely running too fast.  I sometimes try to consciously slow down, but I can't do it.  I'm going to have to figure out how to do it, because I can't keep up the pace I'm doing - otherwise, I need to beg Michelle to run with me every chance she has to get me to slow down, or to motivate me to run through it and not stop to walk.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tuesday August 3, 2010

Workout: 30:00 cross training (stationary bike) + strength
Weight: 127.0 (what?!)

I hate cross training. It seems so pointless as it never seems like as good of a workout as running. I guess its a good thing to switch it up here and there, but I still hate it. A lot. And I really have to work hard to get to the gym to do it.

I have switched to lower weights with higher reps while I'm training, but I'm still nearing failure on most things.

I don't think that 127 is an accurate weight - I believe that is water retention. However, I do need to start thinking a little more about diet. I would still love to get to 115, but it will take a lot of motivation and hard work. I'm not sure its possible to do while I'm training, but I need to put some actual thought into this. I have not been eating well for quite some time - I don't eat horribly, but I haven't been eating as well as I should be. I think a lot has to do with it being summer and having no desire to go to the grocery store with the three kids - I can't focus or think about what I'm buying while I'm there with them. And I haven't had enough focus to put together menus or grocery lists, either, while I'm home. This summer, while busy and fun, has made me feel like my mind is in a complete fog. And I don't like that at all. 2 1/2 weeks until school begins and then I feel like I'll be able to think again.

Next year, I need to do something before school ends to prepare for this aspect of summer. I should be able to put together some general meal plans and grocery lists to get me through the summer - need to remember to do that, because this sucks.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

Workout: 5.5 miles
Time: 53:40
Pace: 9:48
Weight: 125.2

Ran for the first time since leaving for Yosemite - 10 days off. We did a whole lot of hiking while in Yosemite, so I didn't feel bad about not running.

The run started out good this morning, but quickly turned horrible. At about 2.5 miles I thought that I should not have come out - I was definitely not well hydrated and I was struggling by that point. I did not do well on the way back and ended up walking a lot more than I would like. I didn't make it up a lot of the hills on the way back home and was pretty disappointed in myself. But, I got out there and I did it and thats what counts. I need to focus now on getting rehydrated and fueling myself a little better and more intentionally so that my workouts will improve. I was pretty dehydrated before we left and my workouts were suffering then, too.