Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday September 11, 2010

Workout: 12.25 miles
Time: 2:02:14
Pace: average 10:00/mile
Weight: 126.0

Ran at Old Plank Trail again this morning.  It was drizzling as I left the driveway and I thought about going back inside and going out later since Cornbread was taking the girls to the office all day, but then I realized that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep anyway, so I decided to suck it up and head out there.  I got there at about 5:50 and it was still pitch dark and didn't look to be lightening any time soon because of the overcast sky.  I was a bit nervous about running by myself in the dark on a deserted trail... I wasn't scared, but was coming to the conclusion that it simply was not a wise decision.  I decided to wait 10 minutes to see if it lightened up and if it didn't I would head home (20 minutes drive).  At that point another car parked in the parking lot.  Within the next few minutes - actually right at the point that I decided to leave and go home - a guy got out of the car and started running the trail in the direction I was planning to go.  That gave me some confidence that someone else was out there (and ahead of me scaring the boogyman away if need be), so I got out of the car and started in the drizzle.  

I was planning to go out 4 miles, come back, stop at the car for a drink and then go out 2 miles in the opposite direction and come back.  I felt really good for the first leg.  Initially I planned to try to run the first 4 miles / 10 songs and then take a walking break.  As I got closer I decided mile 4 or the end of song 10, whichever came last.  Song 10 ended at about 4 1/2 miles, so I decided to go to 5 miles, then at 5 miles I decided to go to song 15 (which would be about 6 miles), then at song 15 decided to go to the car.  I made it to 7 miles without walking before  my body just stopped and I took a short walking break.  Got to the car (8 miles), drank some gatorade and then remembered I had a 100 calorie pack of almonds in my purse... not ideal, but calories nonetheless, so I shoveled them in, stopped at a drinking fountain on my way out for the last leg and went on my way.  

As I began the last 4 miles I knew I was tired... although i was feeling a bit reenergized from the short break and the calories, I knew my body was being taxed and was tired.  I remembered Amy writing in her running blog about learning the art of walking BEFORE being tired, so I determined I would stop for a short walk after every 3 songs.   I made it 3 songs, and then I made it 2 songs and then 1 song.  My body was DONE :)  

I ran into a friend at 11.5/11.75 miles - right before the hill up the bridge.  We stopped to chat for a couple of minutes.  I had been bound and determined to run the entire last two songs to the car (probably 3/4 of a mile), which included running up that hill, but I wasn't disappointed to stop to chat during that last section right before that hill :)  I did end up running that hill, I just happened to caught my breath for a minute or two beforehand.

Overall it was a great run.  I felt good for a huge portion of it.  I did not do well afterward, though.  I was exhausted.  I did not sleep well the night before.  I was not well hydrated.  And I was in no mood to make myself a protein shake or any other food or drink any water afterward.  This = recipe for a disaster:)  I went to bed at 9:30 and dozed for an hour, but when I woke up my body hurt everywhere and I really had to mentally battle to get out of bed.  I went down and had a cup of coffee and felt a lot better and had a whole lot more energy.  I laid low for the day, though, and just hung out by myself and picked up the house.

I am ready for this race.  I am excited to get it over with so I don't have to do these long runs anymore!  I start tapering this coming week which I'm very excited about.  I run 5 on Mon, 3 on Wed, 8 on Sat, 4 on Mon, 2 on Wed and then 2 days of rest before the race.  22 more miles before the race!  And then Jason is trying to get me to do the 5/3 RiverBank Run in May - 15 miles.  I told him to talk to me at Christmas because there is NO WAY I would commit to running that right now.  I hate these long runs.  HATE.THEM.  I don't think my body is meant to run that many miles at one time.  I'm good for 8.  Actually, I was pretty good for 10 this morning, but after that it is purely mental will power to continue and every step hurts.  I have no idea how people run more than this and how they more than double what I did this morning.  Thinking about the training for a marathon makes me want to cry, let alone the race itself.  I'm glad some people can and will do them, but I don't think a marathon is ever in my future.

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