Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday March 14, 2011

Workout: Tae Bo Total Fat Blaster
Time: 55:00
Weight: 124.8

I have officially dropped out of training for the River Bank Run.  And I have stopped running entirely at least until Easter (although I may give in and run once while Dave and I stay downtown over my birthday).  This is kind of drastic for me, but it needs to happen.

Last Tuesday I ran 5 miles and felt really good about it.  Wednesday morning when I woke up - before I even left my bed - I could feel that my ankles were sore and the bottoms of my feet were sore.  Really sore.  Really painful.  So I need a break.  I believe I need new shoes, too, but I don't think that new shoes will magically make my ankles & feet feel better - I think I need to take a break and let them rest and then I can try new shoes and try to run again.

Regardless, I'm in desperate need of a change in my thinking about everything anyway.  I've gotten too high maintenance with my running, which ultimately drives me crazy.  Mapping out runs, making schedules, being overly concerned with pace, trying to put the pieces of a puzzle together to figure out how this affects that.  I know that these are my issues and I need to step back from them and get a little more balance back.

So I thought about when I first started getting in shape after each of my pregnancies.  Because thats when I just worked out and dieted to lose the weight.  Three years ago I decided that I wanted to "be a runner" and have been doing that ever since and have had tunnel vision, which has not been good.  I've gotten out of balance in my fitness - I've let weight training be a non-existent part of my routine and I can feel that I've lost a lot of strength.  I've focused so much on running, running, running and getting better at that, that I've lost the real focus: being healthy.

I came up with the following schedule (because I want to make sure I work out every day and try to get enough cardio & enough weight training in):
M/W/F - Tae Bo

T/Th - Jillian Michaels yoga + push ups, squats, situps
S - P90x yoga

In addition, I would really like to get out of the house every night around 8:00 and go for a 2-3 mile walk.  I really, REALLY wish this was something that Dave and I could do together, but not entirely sure that I feel comfortable leaving the girls home by themselves (Nora is only 9 1/2).  My grandparents walked together every night - I want it to just be a part of our lives, but I also know that it is going to be difficult to push myself to leave the house at 8 as that is the time that I want to just sit.  

Those are my plans.

So I did Tae Bo total fat blaster or whatever this morning.  I now remember that I did not like that workout.  It uses resistance bands and I never felt like I was getting a good cardio workout.  Wednesday I'll try to Get Ripped video again.

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