Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday March 21, 2011

Workout: Tae Bo
Time: 25:00
Weight: 125.6

Last week was an epic fail in terms of working out.  Actually, I think I worked out 3 days, but ended the week with a big goose egg.  The tendon around my right knee is hurting a lot and I felt like I had strained my hamstrings.  I was pretty much a mess, so I opted to stay in bed and rest.  And then, because I'm brilliant, I ate garbage all weekend long.  Like cookies, chocolate, M&Ms, parmesan bread sticks, chicken nuggets, french fries and a frostry.  Pretty much if it was healthy, it wasn't going into my body. Horrifying how I lose self control so easily and excuse myself from getting back on track until Monday.

Saturday I really didn't miss running 10 miles, but I did miss burning the 1000 calories and I missed that pride that I did something ridiculously hard (for me).  I'm realizing that I have a completely different self-confidence when I've run, than when I'm taking time off.  I feel strong and confident and accomplished when I've run.  When I haven't, I struggle to feel good about myself.  I need to get over that.

Last week I ordered 3 Biggest Loser dvd's - Boot Camp, 30 Day Shred, & Cardio Max.  I figure if Jillian Michaels can kick my butt in yoga for 30 minutes, she most certainly will kick my butt in cardio.  I can't wait - because I need something hard core.

I did the getting started workout on my Tae Bo Get Ripped dvd.  After futzing around with different Tae Bo dvd's this morning, I finally found the one that I used to feel was the most effective.  It seems contradictory that the getting started workout should be the best workout, rather than the two advanced workouts, but it definitely is.  I did one of the advanced workouts last week and hardly felt like I raised my heart rate.  I started another one this morning and remembered that it was crap.  With the getting started workout I'm definitely raising my heart rate a lot higher than the others.  So I'll do that until I get my BL dvds.

I'm refocusing my efforts on my eating.  I've joined (which is a whole heck of a lot more user friendly than spark people) and I'm going to start tracking my food. My biggest frustration is that because of my size, I'm only supposed to have 1200 calories/day (in order to lose LESS THAN 1 pound/week).  Thats what? Like an apple & a salad?  Ridiculous.  I'm an eater - I can put the food down and not feel hungry afterward.  I need to stick with this and get myself disciplined again.  I think not running will help me with that because I won't have a constant built in excuse to eat more.  I'm going to try to get a little more protein in my day because it is something that I really lack... so tuna will now be my best friend.

I just want to lose these last 5-10 pounds that I've struggled to get off while training for races.  I'm comfortable at 125, but I've been hovering between 125 & 127 for a long time.  I would lOVE to get to 115, but never have and am never committed to doing what it takes to get there.  Ideally, if I could hover between 118-123, I'd be happy. 

1 comment:

Amy said...

I ate a salad that consisted of lettuce, tuna, tomato, hard boiled egg, salt and pepper, garlic salt, fresh onion, green pepper, and raspberry vingerette almost religiously when I was on WW. I would eat a serving of pita chips with it and it was around 4 points. My favorite lunch and I still eat it now. You can do a lot with tuna. I have a good tuna casserole recipe too (thought it has a lot of cheese and cream of mushroom soup...higher in fat).