Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday November 17, 2011

Catch up since Monday - 

Tuesday - p90x Plyometrix
Ugh.  Thats all I have to say about that

Wednesday - p90x Back & Biceps + run 2 miles
I hate back and biceps.  I really do.  This is a really difficult workout and I'm feeling it today. I also ran right afterward and only had enough time to do 2 miles.  Its also pretty hard to run right after doing a back workout - took me almost a mile to loosen up.  Running was fine... I lowered my pace to 10:54/mile (5.5), but still had a heart rate in the mid 170's - better than mid 180's, but not much better.  I at least felt like I could sustain that for a good amount of time and was able to make it to 17:00 before I jumped off to take a quick drink & turn on the fan.  

Today - 
I haven't worked out yet today.  And I'm really discouraged right now.  I am so sore and so exhausted and tired all the time, it just makes me crabby.  My back is sore - not wrenched or tweaked, just tired and sore.  And I never feel great.  Yesterday my wrists and arms ached all day because of the back/bicep workout.  Aching is the worst...  I'd rather be injured or be in pain, I hate aches.  My right arm circulation is also a big problem right now - I have a lot of issues at night with my fingers falling asleep to the point of it being very painful and waking me up and I have a hard time getting the feeling back.  I don't think that has anything to do with p90x, but is probably more of a wintertime thing & dehydration issue, but its still very bothersome.  I also have problems with one of my winter coats where the cuff on the wrist feels slightly tight and makes my right hand fall asleep.  

So combine all of that together and I'm just feeling discouraged by the whole thing.  My weight is not going down, although my clothes are fitting better and a friend of mine just dropped her daughter off and told me that I'm tiny.  So all of it together is making me feel blah.  So I'm feeling like maybe I should just run and count calories rather than do p90x, but then I only have 6 weeks left of p90x... I can do that.  I can do it, its just a matter of do I want to continue feeling this tired and sore all the time?  I don't know, I'm pretty crabby about it all today.

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