Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday November 22, 2011

catchup since the last post

Friday - p90x back & legs
Still really love this workout.  I love burning my legs out like that - it doesn't happen often.  The workout itself is also enjoyable.

Had a meltdown on Friday morning... I put my jeans from last year on and they were too tight, so I put the next size up and those were also too tight.  I'm not that much heavier...  just amazing what a difference 5lbs makes on my body.  So i spent the morning feeling crappy and discouraged.  As my friend says, I feel like I'm ugly-Jana right now.  I have a horrible, horrible haircut that makes me want to cry every morning, I don't fit in my clothes, and I'm constantly sore.  I'm frustrated because I'm putting in SO.MUCH. effort for little to no results.  I work harder and more consistently than most people that I know, I'm very disciplined with my eating M-F.  So it must be the weekends, I don't know - I just know that something needs to change.

Saturday - 5k
Ran a 5k with Dave and Nora.  It was so much fun.  Nora was excited to do it and it was really hard for her.  We were running s.l.o.w.  Dave and I both felt like we weren't actually running :)  Nora needed a walking break at 7:30, so we walked for 1 minute, then ran for another 7 1/2 minutes.  She was crying and very upset at that point.  I'm not sure what she was crying about, but we did our best to distract her and get her through it.  She had a rough time, but she completed it and I am so, so proud of her!  Our final (unofficial - they didn't officially time the race) was 37:20.  I had a blast and I'm so happy that we did it and so excited for Nora that she actually did a race and that she gutted through it and got it done!

Monday - p90x chest/shoulders/triceps
I hate this workout.  Hate it.  And it tweaks my right elbow/tendon, which makes me hate it even more.  I feel incredibly inadequate throughout the whole workout, but I know its important so I will keep going.

Tuesday - Run 3 miles
I've decided to eliminate the t/th/s p90x workouts and run 3 miles instead.  There are a few reasons for this.
1) I need to do some real cardio and condition my heart to get my heart rate down
2) running in addition to the p90x workouts was making me way too tired
3) I think I might be exercising more/harder than what I realize and not eating enough (based on a couple of things I read online recently)
4) I want to love running again and I think I'm ready to do it

I also bought a heart rate monitor yesterday with my kohl's cash, so as soon as I get that I'll have a better idea of how many calories I'm actually burning (saw something on myfitnesspal that p90x yoga burns 270 calories... but if i enter it it says much less.  There is also no way to enter the p90x workouts anywhere.  I think that I need to have a more accurate reading of how hard I'm actually working and eat based on that.  I also think it would be good to run based on my heart rate, rather than killing myself to keep up with my music.  

Lots of thoughts lately... Regardless, I just want to get out of this ugly-Jana stage and feeling.  It is going to take time to lose 5lbs & for my hair to grow out :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a general question to all your blog. I finally caught up. Why are you so sore after p90x. I would think at this point you would be used to it. It took me 3-4 days to become unsore from the stairs and I imagine if I did it again like this saturday it wouldnt hurt as much. Just kind of boggles me.

Hang in there you are doing a great job, and you a good fitness partner. Wish you lived closer so we could kick the shit out of some stairs!