Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday November 1, 2011

Workout: P90x Core Synergistics

Wow.  So really, Tony?  THIS is recovery week?  Whatever, dude!

Core Synergistics.  Ouch - this is by far the hardest workout so far, in my opinion.  Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I never, ever, ever work on my core/abs.  So this was tough.  It is a bunch of exercises that engage many muscles at the same time, mostly the core stabilizing muscles.  There were a few exercises that I simply couldn't complete because I'm weak.  And there were a few than I just said "screw it" on because I was so exhausted.  I know that when I do it next time, I'll be better, because I will have done it once already - Tony does not demonstrate the moves before kicking off the timer, he just goes into them, so I have to watch him first and then do it... missing out on a few reps each time.

Yesterday was trick-or-treating.  I usually begin a freefall of gluttony on the day of Halloween.  In normal years, I will have already consumed large quantities of candy corn throughout the month and then while trick or treating with the girls I throw all self discipline out and eat candy while we walk, and then have more after they go to bed.  This kicks of several weeks of eating 3-4 pieces every night before bed and maybe 1 or 2 during the day.  Leading right into Thanksgiving, where I give up complete control for the 4 day weekend, which is followed closely by biscotti mania for the next 6 weeks.  At that point I find it difficult to not give in to my intense desire for a treat with my morning coffee - and homemade biscotti fills that roll perfectly.  I start out having one each morning and pretty soon it is 2-3 each morning.  Add all of that to the mass quantities of butter and chocolate that pass the threshold of the house during Christmas and I find the scale to say I weigh 7lbs more than before halloween.  It happens every year.  Then I spend the next few months working it off.

I'm very happy with myself today, because I resisted candy corn all month.  I have eaten about 15 pieces total - and that was a tiny handful on Sunday afternoon.  With my candy-resisting confidence brimming over, I also resisted all trick or treat candy yesterday - while trick or treating and afterward.  I knew that once I started, I wouldn't stop.  I feel like I can now get through the next 3 weeks to Thanksgiving without getting out of control.  I am living self-discipline right now and that always makes me feel really, really good about myself.  Congratulations to me!

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