Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday July 10, 2010

Scheduled workout: 7.5 miles
Actual workout: 8.87
Weight: 122.6

I actually got up this morning to do my run, but went to change my clothes and realized that all of my running clothes were soaking in the washer. So I couldn't run this morning. I went back and forth all morning about when I would run - a) on the treadmill whenever I wanted, b) tomorrow morning, or c) in the afternoon after Cornbread came home from the office.

Problems with each of them:
a) 7 1/2 miles on the treadmill without a book to read = horrific
b) Sunday is the only morning that we don't set the alarm, and I really enjoy getting up, going downstairs, making coffee, getting the newspaper and reading all morning.
c) it was 85 degrees and 50% humidity this afternoon and I likely would be running around 1:30/2:00 - worst time of day.

I went outside and worked on the yard a bit and didn't think it was too hot and felt a nice breeze. At one point the clouds covered the sun and the weather was perfect. The sky had some big fluffy clouds, so I thought that perhaps my run would be partly shaded and cooler... so I went out.

And it was horrible. By the time I got to the running path (1 1/5 miles) I was pretty miserable, but thought I'd be a little better once I got back on the street and back into the breeze. Wrong. At that point I decided to pack it in and go home. At some point I decided I would finish on the treadmill, which I did.

So I ran 4.37 miles outside at a 10:30 pace with A LOT of walking and then ran 4.5 miles on the treadmill at a 9:25 pace with the incline between .5 & 1%. I had figured that my outside portion was possibly 3.5 miles if I was lucky, so I thought I'd do 4 on the treadmill, but then that turned into 4.5 based on the time and wanting to finish a song. I was pretty surprised when I mapped my outside run at 4.37 miles.

I checked a book out of the library called Core Performance: endurance. I read a review of it and it is a training plan that is built around working out smarter and more efficiently, not harder and longer. I'm intrigued and hope to get through it this weekend.

I really hate long runs :)

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