Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday July 15, 2010

Workout: Swallow Cliff stairs
Time: 60:00+
Weight: 124.4

Went to the stairs with Michelle this morning and I'm pretty sure she had it in her head that her goal was to kill me.

I haven't done the stairs in over a year and forgot how difficult it is. You think: stairs, big deal. And then you start up them and remember: stairs, ugh. 126 uneven stairs, very steep. Horrible humidity. Bugs. And then she added a 1 mile run at the top after every two rounds. I ran with her the first time and then bowed out of that situation... I needed a break from running because my legs from the ankles to the knees are so incredibly tired. I stuck to the stairs and ran in the parking lot, which was probably closer to a 1/2 mile, but flat as opposed to hills.

I will say, though, that while she was challenging me with the run, I had to challenge her on the stair climbing and get her to go a little faster and a little harder.

Yesterday I ran 5 miles and it was terrible. I walked a lot of it and really feel like I need a break from the running. How great is that in week 2 of my training? My legs are struggling right now and the humidity is nearly impossible to run in. I'm glad to hear that Cornbread is having the same struggles so I don't feel like I suck so badly. We both realized that training for this race is going to be more difficult than the previous one because most of the training is in the hot, summer weather. So good luck to us.

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