Friday, December 7, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Workout: C25k
3mile: 36:00
distance: 4.069
time: 50:00
speeds: 4.0/5.3

Today was the day that I was supposed to run 2 miles straight. I had a rough, rough time with running this morning. I have a cold and it is in my sinuses and my chest. I also have some kind of muscle soreness in my left calf. These combined for a pretty crappy attempt. I stopped for many breaks and needless to say the 2 miles was not run straight through. It really, really sucked - every bit of running sucked this morning. But I'm proud of myself for getting up, changing and not going back to bed like I had wanted to do.

Eating has been less than stellar. Combination of lack of preparation and TOM has lead to not eating every 3 hours and not having the cleanest of meals. I'm not doing too badly, but it hasn't been totally clean.

I hate being slightly sick - I almost wish I was dead and on the couch sick rather than highly functioning, but not quite 100%.