Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Getting back on the horse

Workout: Running on the treadmill
time: 45:00
distance: 3.521 miles
program: w 1/4mi, J 1/2mile
speeds: 3.8 / 5.3 / Last 1/4 mile at 6.0

Its been two weeks since I've worked out - right? Or has it been 3??? Two, I believe. At any rate, I've been a total slacker. Getting sick and holidays always throw a huge monkey wrench into my exercise plans. It shouldn't - I should be above that, but this year, I just wasn't. And I've been eating like crap, too. I can't tell how much I've actually gained back as I'm definitely retaining water from my lack of water consumption over the last two weeks... so I'll weigh myself on Monday and use that number as a starting point.

I'm going to spend some time in the next couple of days trying to devise a healthy, do-able daily menu that incorporates WW and BFFM and lean heavier on the WW angle of it all. I haven't decided if I'm going to join WW online or not - I want to for about two weeks as I get things figured out - my necessary points, my activity points, my foods, etc. But I don't want to pay $60 for something that I don't need to use for 3 months - not that I'm going to lose everything that quickly, but that after the first couple of weeks it becomes pretty automatic for me - I eat the same thing and exercise the same way all the time. Maybe I need it to see the tracking of weight loss as a motivator. Hmmm... I'll probably join and reevaluate after a couple of weeks.

It felt good to be running again. If anything good came from taking a break it is the fact that my left leg does not hurt at all - no pain in the calf or the ankle - so the time off was good for healing whatever was going on there. Now its just a matter of not overtraining or over doing it so the pain returns. Running 1/2 mile at a time felt good - I definitely felt like I could keep running and it wasn't torture like I had anticipated. And I feel great now - glad that I got up early, glad that I ran, glad that I sweated this morning. I feel good. Hopefully a day of drinking water will help me feel even better.