Thursday, December 20, 2007

December 20, 2007

Challenge 3

I had bronchitis last week. It was weird - seemed like I had a cold the week before that and it was getting better. I went to the doctor to discuss my cholesterol screening and mentioned the cold to him. I wasn't even going to mention it to him because I was finally feeling better after a week of trying to cough up a lung. But I did mention it because Dave had been there earlier that day and got a script for antibiotics for a sinus infection - I figured just in case it was the same thing, I had better mention it. He gave me a script for a Z-pak and I considered not even filling it, but I did. The next day I felt worse than I had the previous week and every day I got worse until this past Monday when I finally felt better. Yesterday, I think, was the first day that I felt almost 100% - although now I have a head cold:) (up until yesterday I had no head or sinus congestion, just lung expellation).

I haven't worked out in almost 2 weeks - the last time I worked out was last Tuesday. I haven't been eating at the proper times or the proper foods. Luckily we don't have much junk in the house so I haven't been eating too terribly, just not at the right times and when I do eat it has not been ratioed appropriately - like not a protein and a carb together, usually one or the other.

I feel bad that I'm not going to properly complete this challenge, but I think it was about time to start rethinking things - in many ways.

I'm going to start working out again next week and start to re-evaluate and replan everything. I'm seriously thinking that I will go back to weight watchers, but I'm going to make a serious effort at doing it properly and trying to incorporate the principles that I've learned from BFL & BFFM. I want to eat every 2-3 hours and have a protein and carb at every meal, include more veggies and less sweets. I'm going to cut down my workouts so that they're more feasable to becoming a lifestyle thing - there was just no way that I could physically keep up with two a days every day. I was so exhausted at the end of the day that I could barely stay up and I was missing Dave. I want to continue to lift weights and run, but I want to carefully plan out my workouts for the next twelve weeks. I am going to be concentrating more on losing scale weight and clothes sizes. I will probably be looking at it in a 12 week segment or perhaps a little longer than that depending on how much I decide I want to lose.

I'm also going to read the book "How to Feel Good Naked" (or something along those lines) and try to change my mental body image. I think I've been on my way to doing that with this last challenge. I will compare myself to myself. That has been a huge thing for me and has done wonders for me. However, my self-esteem is rooted in my workouts - I can feel that now that I've been off for a week. When I workout I feel better about myself physically.

I also need to get back to drinking water. That is the thing that quickly falls away when I stop doing what I should be doing. I think it is sad to say that I may have to have color squares on a piece of graph paper for the rest of my life so that I can make sure I get enough water everyday. For some reason, if I'm not coloring squares, I'm not drinking enough water - or any at all.

I feel differently this week - its amazing how different I feel without living the way I should be. My skin is dry. My face is full of zits (Dave says it is because I've been fighting an infection - I think its a combination of that, not enough water, eating crap food). My digestive system is wacked out. I feel tired and lethargic in the afternoon. I have less energy. Its time to turn these things around.

Working out starts next week. Dieting starts the following week.

And to Dave's credit, he has gotten up 3 mornings this week without me to workout - this is NEW for him;) He's feeling crappy, too. Its so hard to stick with things when you're sick and then to add the holidays to it... We're going to sit down next week and really figure things out - Menus, groceries, budget, workouts, etc.