Monday, December 10, 2007


Challenge 3
Beginning Date: October 15, 2007
Ending Date: January 6, 2008

Turbulence Training workout 1A
TT HIIT A - 4.08 miles

I'm trying this new workout - Turbulence Training. It is kind of a body weight, weight training, circuit training kind of thing. Everything is done with no rest between exercises. I guess I'll have to explain it a little more at another time. Anyway, I'm going to be doing this instead of weights for the next few weeks to give myself a little change of pace. It was nice this morning - hard, but I'm not sure it kicked my bum like I was hoping it would. We'll see how I feel tomorrow:)

The HIIT was a little more intense than what I normally have been doing (LH intervals at 1 minute intervals). Today I did LH intervals at 45 second intervals. I was getting up near 112 rpm consistently during the high intervals, so that was awesome!

Have to get back into eating clean today. I am coming off of a half-week of not paying attention to what I was eating and when I was eating. I was sick and lacked motivation last week. And the weekend was not so great - I had to make truffles for Dave and I only sampled one of each kind (I made 4 kinds) so I was good with that. I need to get my motivation back - I need to figure out if I need to get my motivation back. Still struggling with thoughts about all of this. Maybe these TT workouts will help.