Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 13, 2008

Workout: Treadmill - Interval run
Time: 34:10
Distance: 3.0 miles
speeds: 4.0/5.2/5.7/6.2/6.7

I tried to start out walking at 4.2mph but it was nearly impossible for my legs to keep up so I backed it down to 4.0 after a minute or so. I again made it 2 times through the intervals without a break. I think mentally I broke myself on the third time - decided in my head that it wasn't going to be possible. It is tough. Two minutes of walking is not much recovery time after jogging for 2 minutes and nearly sprinting for 2 minutes. By the end of the 4 minutes of running intervals my heart is racing at almost 200 bpm... Two minutes of walking does not allow for adequate recovery before starting in on it a third time. I have to keep working at it though and try to break through that mental barrier and make it three times straight through on Saturday. I also think I need to mix up my music a bit - I wish our ipod worked on the computer.

My sister emailed me yesterday and told me that she weighed less than me. She's a little taller than me and I know I work harder than she does. I was a bit frustrated at the time - not with her, I'm very happy for her - but with me. Why has this been so hard for me? Why am I working so incredibly hard and eating so well and not losing these last 10-15 pounds? What is the deal? Then I had to remind myself that its not about losing weight and about what the scale says. Its about eating healthy and living healthy and that is what I'm finally doing. I don't feel deprived. I don't feel hungry. I don't feel incredibly, physically exhausted by the end of the night, but I'm working hard and am healthy. If I don't weigh less, then so be it. I do think, though, that if I were going to a nutritionist I could get more of a handle on this and feel like I wasn't so crazy sometimes. I mean really, I'm working super hard, right? I'm eating healthy, right? I'm not over eating. Maybe I'm still undereating, not sure. So why am I stuck at 10 pounds overweight?

Then again, I haven't given this enough time. I've only been eating really healthy like this and not focusing on losing for less than two weeks. I was thinking this morning that maybe it would be best if I only weighed myself once a month. Maybe by living this way the losses won't be significant week to week, but on a monthly basis it will be. I really wish we could afford for me to go to a nutritionist - I think I just want someone to say, "Here it is. THIS is what you need to do and how you need to live. Do it and you will lower your cholesterol, you will gradually get to your desired weight and you will be healthy." Right now I'm still just winging it and trying to BE healthy, but I never know if I AM.