Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March 5, 2008

Workout: Back/Biceps/Abs
Time: 45:00

It takes a lot to get me to do abs. I did them. I figured I needed to extend my short workout on Back/Biceps day, so abs it is. Ugh. I hate abs.

Lat Pull Down: 10, 10, 9 @ #8
Underhand Cable Pulldown: 3x12 @ #8
Upright row: 3x10 @ #4
Assisted Pullups: 3x6
BB Curls: 3x8 @ 26lbs
Hammer Curls: 12, 10, 10 @ 15lbs/hand
Ball: 2x10
Side planks: 3x1 @ 30seconds each side
Squats: 200

My eating has been going well. I don't feel like I'm obsessing, but I feel like I'm eating a well-balanced diet as I try to add a fruit and/or vegetable to each of my 6 meals during the day. I had 5 mini marshmallows when I made the girls some hot chocolate yesterday. It is amazing to me that a tiny amount of sugar like that causes me to start craving more and more. I mean really, 5 little marshmallows? Not a whole lot, but after I ate them I wanted to devour the rest of the package and have one of the nasty store bought cookies that we made the other day. So it is critical for me to stay away from sugar.

I'm beginning to wonder if I should revise my plan to allow for a sweet twice a week - on a normal week that would be dessert on Saturday and something on Sunday. I think that would appease my sense of needing to indulge/reward myself over the weekend. I'll see how this weekend goes and decide after that.