Tuesday, March 4, 2008

March 4, 2008

Workout: Treadmill - interval run
Time: 34:00
Speeds: 4.0/5.2/5.7/6.2/6.7

I decided to do an interval run today. Mostly, I think, because I've had a while off of running and now I'm scared of it again:) In addition, I think the 30 minute interval workout is very appealing because I can sleep a little later. So maybe I'll do two interval workouts and one steady state workout a week. Not sure about that yet.

I sat down and made some goals yesterday. And put together some daily affirmations.

Daily affirmations - goal of writing them everyday:
* I compare myself to myself
* I love my body
* I am thankful for my health
* I am beautiful
* I choose healthy foods
* I am not controlled by food

* I eat every 2 1/2 hours
* I drink 100oz water/day
* I eat a sweet one time each week
* I drink only 2 beers each week
* I eat more fruits and veggies
* I lift heavy/to failure 3x/week
* I do cardio 3x/week

By June 22, 2008 I weigh 125lbs
By April 4, 2008 I weigh 130lbs


I am going to track my food & exercise on mypyramid.gov. I can enter my daily food intake and it analyzes it according to the USDA recommendations for daily servings of the food groups. Yesterday I was low on meat/beans and high in fruits. It also analyzes calorie intake vs. calorie expenditure from exercise. According to this site, I need to be eating around 1800 calories per day in order to gradually move to a healthier weight. I think I am making some steps in the right direction with all of this.

I weighed myself this morning just to see what the difference was after drinking almost a gallon of water yesterday. Yesterday's weight: 136.4; Today's weight: 134.6. Interesting. Definitely need to keep my water intake high. I can tell by the way I feel in the morning if I didn't have enough water the day before.