Tuesday, March 18, 2008

March 18, 2008

Workout: treadmill interval run
distance: 3.0 miles
time: 34:24
speeds: 4.0/4.2/5.2/5.7/6.2/6.7

I'm feeling a lack of motivation already this week. I'm not sure what it is. I worked out yesterday, but my water intake was really low which led to sugar cravings which led to a bowl of ice cream before bed. I haven't weighed myself for over a week, but I FEEL like I've gained. I fell like my jeans are tighter. They just came out of the wash, but it really feels like they're a bit snugger. And that makes me really quite unhappy. I have not been cheating throughout the week (just yesterday) and have been making really good healthy choices. I had a free meal on Saturday night and Sunday night, but that was after my jeans already felt tighter.

So it just makes me feel crappy - like why is this so hard? Why do I have to completely obsess or I gain? Why can't I even maintain very easily? I'm not over eating - in fact, I checked and I'm probably undereating.

So I did a search for a caluclator to show my Total Daily Energy Expenditure (how many calories I should eat each day based on my size & my activity) and found a website for Global Health & Fitness. This program SEEMS amazing and I'm going to try it for 12 weeks.

I have been saying for quite a while - I wish someone would just tell me what to do and what to eat. Just tell me - I'll do it, the hard part is the planning and the tweaking and the analyzation of results and further tweaking. GHF seems to do all of that for me... I answer a questionaire, they design a workout program and a nutrition program/diet for me. I get software that will track my workouts. I basically get an online personal trainer and nutritionist - I can tell them to check in as often as I feel I need them to do so for motivation purposes. I can write in a blog on their site and they'll read it and analyze and comment on it. They'll tweak everything for me based on my results. They design the diet/nutrition aspect according to my needs - they'll plan it according to whatever program you're doing: WW, BFL, South Beach, Atkins, etc. They figure ot calories. They figure out menus. They take into account a limited budget or any other health restrictions (like I have high cholesterol). I really probably have not done justice in trying to explain it, but I'm kind of excited about it. I need someone to help me with this. Ultimately, I don't want to remain the same. I don't want to maintain and I certainly don't want to gain. I want to learn to love my body, but I also need to continue working on it in order to do so - I find that when I let go of the hard work and the discipline, my attitude about my body also starts to spiral downward.

So I'm going to try it. Dave is interested in it, too, but we're going to see how it works for me for 4 weeks before pulling the trigger for him.