Monday, April 21, 2008

April 21, 2008

Workout: interval running on the treadmill - 2:00 walking, 2:00 running
Speeds: 3.6 / 6.7
Distance: 2.66 miles
Time: 32:00
Activity Points: 3

Wow, its been a while since I've updated - not sure why. I should get better at this again.

Things have been going well. I'm enjoying the discipline of eating like this again. I feel better having it under control rather than being thoughtless about my food choices. I just feel better about it and about myself because of it.

I'm still having issues with eating a majority of my points after 8pm. I eat 6 points up until then, and then eat a bunch of little things to add up to my 19 points for the day. I think I figured out that part of the issue is that I like to have all of these different tastes... a little soup, a hot pocket, some fried rice, some popcorn, etc. etc. Most of those things are low point values, so I feel like I can have a bunch of my favorites tastes all in one "meal". Not sure if it really matters how I do it, but I should probably plan things out a little bit better.

I have not been as dedicated to working out as I have been in the last year. Last week I only did cardio 3 times and no weight training. I'm making a goal for this week to do all 6 of my workouts.

March 31, 2008: 136.8
April 21, 2008: 131.6

Saturday morning I weighed 130 and I was shocked. I weighed myself again yesterday just to see if it could be true and I was 129.8 - I haven't seen the 120's since I was pregnant with Georgia! I was very excited about that! I was worried that I wasn't going to make my goal of 4 lbs by April 23, but it looks like I'm going to make it and I'll be able to buy myself a pound of starbucks!