Monday, April 7, 2008

April 7, 2008

Workout: Treadmill steady state - 34:00
Weight: 134.6

So I've officially lost 2.2 pounds. I have to say that I have a mixture of disappointment and excitement. Disappointment because I was pretty certain that the 2.2 pounds were water retention weight and that my scale weight would be down a little more than that by now, but excitement because I've actually lost something and my pants don't feel as snug as they did a week ago (hallelujah!)

I was able to stick to my points throughout the weekend. It kind of sucked to have to count over the weekend, but if it is what I have to do, then I will do it. We went out for sushi on Saturday night with Doug & Jenny and then to Houlihan's for dessert (which I declined). The sushi sucked up a majority of my extra 35 points, but it was yummy! Actually the beer and the appetizer sucked up most of them. And I was good and didn't have a beer on Sunday night when I really wanted to. I also drank a TON of water on Sunday in an effort to make sure I was well-hydrated (always a problem on the weekend).

Today I ran on the treadmill. I decided that I'm going to do 2 days on the stairs, 1 on the treadmill, 1 long walk and 2 days of weights (cutting out legs). So I ran today while Dave was at the stairs. It felt really, really good. I concentrated really hard on my breathing and was able to run a full mile without any breaks. I think I could have probably kept going, but by that time I had accomplished the goal I had set for myself. It ended up being about 11:30 straight. I think my total run distance was 2.75 miles or was it 2.5? Regardless, I felt good while I was running and afterward. I feel like I'm on track to getting into great shape!