Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April 23, 2008

No workout so far this morning.

Today was the goal day for me and Kim. My goal was to lose 4 lbs by today and I've lost 5.2! I'm very, very excited that I'm finally losing and it looks like I will make my goal of 115 by July 31st. I need to talk to Kim and set new short term goals. For now, I am enjoying my starbucks coffee (although it is a tad weak for my liking).

I have not decided if I'm going to lift this afternoon while the girls are at school. I have no motivation to lift weights lately and I'm not sure why that is. I was arguing with myself in bed this morning - get up or lay there. I had convinced myself to get up and lift, but then Georgia started calling me (at 6:15) and needed her sheets changed (when will that girl stop taking her diaper off at night?) Due to the number of toys & books in her bed it was a long process and I decided to go back to bed afterward. Now I have cramps - so I think I will take today off and aim for doing a bunch of body weight exercises on Friday.