Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April 1, 2008

Weight: 136.8
Workout: Stairs - 30:00

Today is my second day of Weight Watchers. I'm committed this time. The extra 2 1/2 pounds that I've gained in the last couple of weeks really pushed me to the point of being committed to do this. I joined and investigated the Global Health & Fitness program, but ultimately canceled because I need to focus on ONE thing and not have a million ideas and possible solutions clouding my brain. Ultimately my goal is to lose weight and after that I can consider trying to lean down and lower my BF % to the point of definition, but right now I need to just focus and that program was not going to do that. I still think it is a great find - they would customize a diet & workout program based on my likes and goals & health concerns and budget limitations. It seems like a great thing, but again, it is based on the same things as BFL & BFFM - several smaller meals/day, protein/carb/fat ratios, carb cycling, calorie tapering, etc. I thought I could do them both, but then I tried to figure out a day's worth of meals based on their general suggestions and I found myself spending too much time on it and going back to that same obsessive feeling and the same dread of "Well, lets hope this works." I emailed the guy and told him that I've been successful on WW twice and have been successful doing things that way exactly 0 times, so it is time to just focus and concentrate on one thing. I can't spend my time trying to fit pieces into a puzzle and hope for a good result and then be upset when I don't get one.

So back to WW it is.

"You have to want to change more than you want to stay the same."

I think this is finally really true for me now that I've added an extra 2 1/2 pounds. Its amazing how those 2 1/2 extra pounds have really pushed me to wanting to be really serious about the weight loss - until then I was pretty okay with just maintaining, but living a healthy lifestyle. Now I'm in it to lose and I'm serious about it. I am going to count points on the weekend and I amd going to workout just as much as I want to, not harder than I want to. I need to see some results in order to keep myself motivated. I can't wait to see the scale go down by the end of this week - even if it is only water weight.

I did well yesterday. I get 19 points each day and I had 18.5. I did not workout yesterday, but I went back to the stairs today. I haven't decided if I'm going to intentionally eat my activity points each day or just have them as back up if I need them. I didn't have too much trouble sticking to 19 yesterday, however, I was super busy all day and hardly ate anything until dinner (5 points up until I sat down for dinner at 8:20pm - then I had 10 points and had 4 a little while after that).

We are going out for sushi this weekend for my birthday. I'm going to have to sit down with the WW points tracker and the menu from the restaurant and try to figure out the points and hope that I don't go over at all. I'm going to save most of my daily points for dinner and use a lot of my flex points because I want to have a lot of sushi:)