Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April 8, 2008

Workout: stairs

Wow, I am exhausted and drained today. I fell asleep at 10:15 last night and never heard the alarm this morning until it went off at 5:55 and I heard the radio guy announce the time (it was set for 5:15). I got up, got dressed and was out the door by 6:05 to go to the stairs.

Did 8 passes on the stairs - normal, toes, left, right, normal, 2 at a time, run, run. By the last running pass I was dead. But I accomplished something huge - I ran the entire flight two times in a row. Big deal since I used to not even make it one flight running.

I'm wondering if I should be eating my activity points or if I should just skip them. When I did WW in the past I always skipped them - and that was successful, but now I get one point less than I did back then and I'm kind of wishing I had more:) Maybe I'll just take it day by day. I still have not done a great job of balancing out my points throughout the day - I eat more than half of them between 6:30-9:30 and that probably isn't the best of strategies. Today I will try to spread them out more through the day. It is going to require me to actually think about dinner before dinner time, though...

Ugh, it is rainy and dreary today, which combined with my tiredness = a pretty shitty day. And I have a gigantic pile of shirts to iron... on a day when I just want to sit on the couch and read.