Thursday, June 19, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: running/walking - 36:00 (a little longer - don't remember)
Weight: 126.8

I had David transfer my running cd onto our ipod at their house. I worked all day on Tuesday to get the ipod to show up on our computer and it never happened, so now we'll just have to do it this way. The one good thing, I guess, is that Dave pulled his groin muscle in soccer on Sunday and he won't be running any time soon and won't need the ipod for that so its okay that I have my running songs on it and not his music.

I did not workout yesterday because we went to bed late the night before and I needed the sleep. I did, however, jump on the trampoline with Georgia yesterday afternoon which is actually a very, very good workout. I don't know how long I did it so I'm not really counting it, but at least I was active in some way. I also didn't end up eating all of my points yesterday so I guess it all washes.

This morning I ran. And wow was I proud of myself! I have the music set to have some slower songs for walking at certain intervals and it worked out perfectly. I ran for most of the time - I think I took a walking break for about 5 minutes and then ran the rest of the time. I am so proud of myself for the continuous running AFTER a walk break. So proud. I'm sure I ran at a super slow pace, but given all of the inclines and hills it was such a great workout. My legs are tired and sore and I felt so good afterward. I am definitely going to keep this up - I might just become a regular runner by the end of the summer yet! Megan Alderden told me last week that she thinks it takes about a month to get your body acclimated to running - so if that is true by our trip to the water park (july 31) i should be good. I'm very excited about this. I feel like it is a true opportunity to clear my mind and get a great workout and to continually challenge myself.