Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Goal: 120 by June 25

Workout: walking - 36:00
Weight: 129.8

Went walking this morning by myself. It kind of felt weird to be out there without an implied purpose (walking the dog). It also felt kind of weird to not be pulled by him. But it was nice. I'm really enjoying these walks - I have been able to watch the progression of the flowers blooming and the changes people make in their yards over the weekend. Its remarkable to me how almost every house has some sort of splash of color somewhere. Not every house has a bunch of flowers planted throughout the landscaping, but almost every house has at least one or two pots of flowers somewhere. Its just interesting to observe it all and to be blessed by the colorfulness of God's creation. Many times I think that God must have so much fun creating.

Weight was still at 129.8 this morning. Kind of makes me sad. I'm not upset or obsessed about it, but it makes me sad that I really shot myself in the foot over the last couple of weeks. There's a chance that it may still go down this week a little bit, but I had been hovering around 127/128 for a couple of weeks and had gotten as low as 126.4 last week and to now be back up to nearly 130 just makes me sad. It also makes me think that there really is no chance of hitting the 120 by June 25 goal. Oh well - I had been making such good consistent progress, its okay to have one week of gaining I guess. I wish it wasn't so hard to lose weight and so easy to gain;) I hope that once I get down to 115 I don't have this constant struggle all the time.

Have been thinking about my exercise lately - is walking enough? Is walking for 36 minutes enough? Should I add time? Should I be walking closer to 60 minutes? Should I be running in order to get my heart rate up more? This morning I took my pulse and it was 11.5 in 6 seconds (115/minute). Should it be higher? Is this enough in order to be fit? Is enjoying my exercise more important than killing myself?