Monday, June 2, 2008

Goal: 120 by June 25

Workout: Weights
Time: 42:00
Squats: 200
Weight: 131.6

Chest press: 3x15 @ #4
Shoulder Press: 3x10 @ #1
Tricep Press Down: 3x15 @ #3
Upright Row: 3x15 @ #4
BB Curl: 3x12 @ 24lbs
Ball: 3x10

It felt good to work out again this morning. I'm still really tired throughout the day and by late afternoon I'm extremely exhausted. Other than that, I feel really good.

My weight is up this morning. I didn't count points over the weekend, but I didn't go overboard either. I had ribs & 2 beers on Saturday night and last night we had chilis - split a salad and an appetizer trio (southwestern eggrolls - 1, buffalo wings - 2, shanghai boneless wings - 3). I'm sure that much of it is water retention since I haven't had more than 2 glasses of water since Tuesday. I'm also sure that my weight is not 126.4 like it was last week:)

In the past I've only allowed myself to weigh once a week. I thought that I would go crazy with the fluctuations if I weighed more often than that. This time I'm weighing everyday. I like it. I kind of like seeing the fluctuations. I also like seeing the lowest weight throughout the week. I think seeing the fluctuations is helpful for my motivation and my sense of accomplishment.

I'm going to hit it hard now and count my points over the weekends until the regional at the end of the month.