Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday May 24, 2010

Workout: 20:00 warmup run, legs
Weight: 124.4

Workout was fine this morning. I cut out the abs because I was running late... I'm babysitting again, so I definitely try to get home in time in the morning to be able to do my prayer/devotions before he comes over (which could be any time between 7:30 & 8). The 2 miles on the treadmill was a little wonky... just tightness in my lower back and thigh again, but overall, fine. I ran at a 6.0 pace, which felt a little slow and kind of painful. For the last few minutes I upped it to 6.5 and then back down to 6.3 and those felt more comfortable.

Legs - I increased weights on a couple of things. Feels good to be lifting heavy again.

Saturday, I ran 10 miles on the treadmill in the basement. I could have waited until Cornbread got home to run outside, but I was a little upset about something and was itching to run it out so I got on the treadmill. I had planned to do between 8 & 9, but as I got closer I figured I might as well just do 10. I really probably could have done a few more, but by that time I had decided to stop at 10, so I did. Felt good... started out at 6.0, but ran most of it at 6.2 or 6.3. I can definitely feel a difference between running on an empty stomach in the morning and running in the afternoon after having eaten breakfast. I should try to eat a few almonds or something before I head out in the mornings from now on.

Thought I might start with WW this week, but then remembered that we have to meet my MIL for dinner tonight - probably Giordano's - and then we have Memorial Day weekend, so I should start up next Tuesday. It will give me some time to psych myself up for it and do some grocery planning. I have to psych myself up for being hungry because I always am for a couple of weeks at the beginning. My subscription ends August 9th, so I'll try to hit it hard at least through June and then when I start training again in July, I'll have a better way of figuring out how to eat while running higher mileage.

It is really hot out. I can't step outside without sweating right now. My face has broken out quite a bit and feels incredibly greasy - like I need to wash it several times a day - due to the humid weather. I hate that more than anything. Ick. I really wish that there was a time limit on zits... like once you hit 30 you magically never had another one. I had 2 good, clear years and now the last 5 months have been horrible - not sure whats going on... kind of sick of it, though!

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