Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday May 18, 2010

Workout: 5.21 miles
Time: 50:58
Pace: 9:47/mile
Weight: 126.4

I struggled through this run and was pretty upset with myself about it - until I got home and saw the pace. No wonder I was struggling. That pace included quite a few short walk breaks, so i was actually running quite a bit faster than 9:47/mile.

I had the same lower back/hip/thigh pain as I did last week when I ran outside. It was terrible. I stopped a lot due to that pain - trying to stretch out my lower back - but it didn't go away until quite far into the run. I ran a 2 mile warm up on the treadmill yesterday and didn't have any pain at all. Not sure what is going on with that. Cornbread said he had the same lower back pain on the treadmill yesterday.

I have to say, I don't really enjoy running outside around here. I really struggle with all of the hills and inclines and having it be so tough all the time. I had to remind myself several times this morning that I ran a whole 13.1 miles without stopping. You would never know it from how crappy I run out here. I need to figure out a way to defeat these hills. I can definitely run them, but I'm struggling and laboring afteward... and if it were just one or two hills that struggle and laboring wouldn't be a problem, but since there are so many and so close together it seems like I'm struggling and laboring through the entire run. I have to remind myself that the hills are making me a better and faster runner -- that was proved to me at the Mini.

Yesterday I did 2 miles on the treadmill as a warm up and then 31 minutes of heavy upper body lifting at home. I am pretty sore this morning and could feel it while I was running.

Didn't count my WW points yesterday because it was Ryann's birthday. I did pretty well, but had a couple of pieces of pizza and a small piece of cake. I will begin counting today.

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