Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday May 29, 2010

Workout: 9.29 miles
Time: 1:37:55
Pace: 10:30
Weight: 124.4

I wanted to do a long run outside today because I haven't done one outside since the race. I had intended to do a 10+ mile route, but I cut it short because I was tiring out. I think 8 of the miles I ran this morning were horrible;)

Started out with foot pain... I have a chipped bone at the top of my left foot and it doesn't bother me too often, but it was first thing out this morning. That seemed to dissipate and then, it was the lower back clenching + hip/thigh pain. That went away and then it was my right forearm and hand feeling slightly numb from carpal tunnel. I'm just a 34 year old mess! I ran through all of that - although I stopped and walked a couple of times in the middle to let my arms get some normal feeling back in them.

At about 3 miles I decided that I needed to simply enjoy my time out there instead of worry about pace, mileage, hills, etc. So I took it easy and allowed myself some extended walking breaks. The longest walking break was at the pond - from the water fountain to the top of the hill in front of St. Patrick's. That was the longest I've walked in a long time. I ended up taking several walking breaks in the last 2 1/2 miles. I was tiring out - first thing in the morning, slightly dehydrated, no fuel other than about 8 almonds before I left, my body was giving in even though my mind wasn't. I was happy with my mileage and my time when I got home. Given how much I walked, I must have been running between 9:30 & 10:00.

I need to remember to just be happy that I'm out there and thankful that I'm able to move, run and breathe.

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