Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday May 1, 2010

Workout: 8.55 miles
Time: 1:29:08
Pace: 10:25
Weight: 122.6

It has been incredibly windy for the last few days. Very high wind gusts going in all directions. I was very scared to do my run today and actually asked Cornbread if I could run in the morning instead of the afternoon (we would switch times) so I'd have more likelihood of calmer weather. It rained sideways last night. Terrible! When I went out this morning, though, it was pretty calm. The wind picked up a little bit into my run, but it wasn't terrible and by the time it picked up I didn't have much longer to go in the direction that was against it.

I wanted to do 8 - 8 1/2 miles today as we are tapering, but I wanted to keep a pretty long run in there. I had a route planned out before I left, but 2 1/2 miles into it I decided I didn't want to do that route and changed my plans - but I didn't have another 8 1/2 mile route in mind that I could do from where I was at. So I basically meandered through the neighborhood adding some streets here and there. I ended up with an 8.55 mile route by sheer luck. I probably would have done better and enjoyed my originally planned route, but it didn't have any drinking fountains so I didn't want to do it. I should have done it, though.

I could tell I was running a pretty fast pace again and would consciously try to slow myself down, but it was hard. I ended up with a 10:25 pace, but I made several walking breaks in the last 3 miles. Not intentionally... all of the sudden I would find myself stopped and walking and would get mad at myself! Especially if I was running against the wind. I was surprised that my pace ended up being around my normal run-outside pace of 10:20. With the amount of walking I did, I figured I would have up near 11:00 or higher. I was very pleased with the 10:25.

My weight has come down and has stayed down for 3 days straight. I think I've done a better job of drinking water, but I have also been eating more (and running less). I really think that I've been in starvation mode for a while - not eating enough. If I'm going to run another race in the fall, I'm going to have to be a lot more intentional about my nutrition... I just hate figuring that all out.

As of today, I hate the idea of running 13.1 miles. I think doing a long run first thing in the morning is a bad idea. I remember running 8 1/2 miles the day after we got back from Colorado and feeling pretty good about it. Not as much the case today. That was in the afternoon - this was in the morning. I'm sure it will be fine.

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