Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday December 13, 2010

Workout: 3 miles on the treadmill
Incline: 2%
Time: 30:00 
Weight: ?

Ran an easy pace this morning as it was my first time running in two weeks or so.  I kicked up the incline to 2%, though, to make it a better workout.  It was a good run.  I did well.  It hurt a little bit (lungs/throat), but I got through without any stops other than a quick 20 second hamstring stretch after 1/4 mile.

I intend to go to the gym tomorrow and hit the bike and the weight machines.  I need to put together a plan and pack my gym bag so I'll have no excuse.  Its time to get back into a daily 5:15 wake up call & workout.  I feel better afterward.  I like getting it over with and not trying to fit it in during the day.  I need to be consistent.

I also drank 4 16oz glasses of water today, which is an improvement by 4 16oz glasses:)  It is definitely time to work on seriously rehydrating myself.  My goal is 10 16oz glasses everyday.  After going for months without hardly drinking any water during the day, I'm proud of the 4 I had today (I'll have one more before bed).

I'm not spending a lot of energy worrying about my eating right now.  It is Christmas.  I'm making biscotti.  Dave is getting treats all the time.  Its just insanity to believe that I could be THAT disciplined through all of that.  Our new vegetarian meal planning service begins on January 1st and I'm incredibly excited about that.  I need to get my cholesterol back down (up to a whopping 263 again - ugh) and I know that eating a plant based diet is the way to do it for me.  I just need to get back to it.

We have some pretty awesome friends!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We love you guys! Cant wait to see you all this weekend. I hopefully will have abs and yoga for ya.