Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday November 22, 2010

Workout: 4.5 miles
Time: 41:15
Pace: average 9:10
November total: 49.88/60

Ran on the treadmill at a 2% incline.  It wasn't the best of runs in terms of continuous running, but I got it in, which is saying a lot considering how I'm feeling - physically and emotionally.  I'm resting tomorrow and Wednesday and then the 5k race on Thursday.  Not sure if I'll get any running in over the weekend.  Perhaps on Sunday afternoon.  I have 10.12 miles left before the end of the month.

I explained how I'm feeling physically yesterday.  Emotionally, I'm a lost cause at the moment :)  Not that I'm a wreck, I'm just in complete, utter shut down mode.  Shut down mode = completely incapable of getting anything accomplished.  This is all due to being overwhelmed with life.  I feel like I have too many plates spinning in my head: people asking for christmas lists, thinking of gifts for others, biscotti thoughts, getting ready for christmas, my mom not telling me what to bring for thanksgiving, getting some gifts done by the 12th, some done by the 18th, the girls, Dave, meal planning (I have completely failed at the whole dinner situation for the last 2-4 months) etc. etc.  Just completely overwhelmed.  The girls are home from school this entire week, which adds to it all because I don't feel like I can get much accomplished.

Not sure how to break out of this spin right now.  It has a lot to do with decisions and planning.  I wish someone - anyone - would just make some decisions, so I can go about executing them.  

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