Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday November 10, 2010

Workout: 6.91 miles
Time: 1:17:15
Pace: 11:11
November total: 13.69/60

Wow was this a horrible run.  Worst in over a year, at least.

I got out at 6:30.  Was initially planning to run in the afternoon, but I woke up at 6 and wasn't going to fall back to sleep.  I really didn't WANT to run in the afternoon because by the time I run and shower and change my time to myself - and time to do work around the house - is basically gone.  BUT I also didn't want to get up at 5:15.  I also didn't want to run in the afternoon because I have some errands that I need to do and if I ran in the afternoon I'd have to do errands with Georgia in the morning, which isn't a big deal, but it was her birthday yesterday and I didn't think it would be nice to go away all morning so she couldn't play with her birthday presents.  SO anyway... when I was awake at 6, it was a good deal.

I did the same route as I did the last time I ran outside.  I don't think I strung together even a whole mile of running.  It was pretty brutal.  By the end, I just opted to run a song and walk a song and running even a whole song was incredibly hard.

I donated blood a week ago and it ALWAYS affects my running for a week or two.  I had noticed this a while ago, but any time I mentioned it to people they kind of laughed it off like it was in my head.  However, when I was donating I talked to one of the nurses and she said that it ABSOLUTELY would affect running because red blood cells carry oxygen through your body and when you donate blood you are removing red blood cells.  So there it is - PROOF!  That is the reason I took last week off - because I knew it would be harder to run.  I just didn't realize it would still be so hard.  It was terrible - I felt like I couldn't get into a breathing rhythm or get enough air and like I was laboring the whole time.  But I pushed on and got the miles in at least :)

I'm catching up - Jason is at 17 miles for the month so far.  I have a little catching up to do.  I was initially planning to cut the route off at about 5 miles, but then decided that it sucked already so I might as well just knock off some mileage.  The more I can knock off this week, the shorter my routes can be for the rest of the month:)  I've done 13 this week so far... I'll do 4 miles of intervals tomorrow and then do a run in Hudsonville on Saturday morning, so I'll have at least 22 in for this week.   I may try to do a few more than that so I'm a little more ahead for the month.  I'm too competitive with myself.

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