Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuesday January 10, 2012

Running: 3.28 miles

Took advantage of the over 50 degree and sunny weather again this afternoon.  I volunteer for Nora's class on Tuesdays at 12:55, so I ran to school - 1.5 miles in 15 minutes (avg hr 166)- volunteered for 30 minutes and then ran home - 1.75 miles in 17:45 (avg hr 170).  The run there felt great, although much of it was on an incline and against the wind.  The run home felt terrible after about a mile... the last part was a struggle to keep going: my lower back was clenching and I didn't have any energy.  As I was running I realized that I had only consumed 100 calories up till that point, so I'm sure that had a lot to do with it.  Felt good to run again, though.  So delighted to have this unexpected weather in the winter months!  Tomorrow is supposed to be the same, so maybe I'll go out for a short run again tomorrow afternoon (have to volunteer at Georgia's class so I won't have much time).

Yesterday I did Biggest Loser Boot Camp.  Its an okay workout, but my heart rate was not very elevated.  I like the Cardio Max workout better and will probably do that again this week at some point.  

Next week - p90x second round!

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