Saturday, February 9, 2008


Beginning Date: January 7, 2008
Ending Date: March 30, 2008
Total miles: 22.75 miles
Total squats: 3400
Workout: Treadmill

Distance: 3.75 miles
Time: 45:01
Speeds: 4.0/5.3/5.4/6.5

Today's run was even better than Thursday's. I changed my cd a bit - removed some dead songs and added London Bridge by Fergie and a couple of Beyonce songs. It rocked. Seriously. And the cd ended right as I was finishing the 3.75 miles so it was perfect in many aspects. I'm really, really enjoying running like I never have before. I'm not watching the clock, I'm not wishing I was done and could take a drink, I'm not stopping excessively for water breaks, I'm not laboring - I'm running and don't even realize what I'm doing when I'm doing it. My breathing is easier and not labored, the time goes by fast and it is enjoyable. Whew! I thought I would never enjoy it.

I'm going to have to keep an updated list of songs on itunes so I can keep creating new cds and changing the song order around which will help me run for longer and longer periods of time - today I ran much longer than my usual 3/4 mile at one stretch all because I was running to the music. I have certain songs filled in as my walking songs - No One by Alicia Keys (4min) and Sexyback by JT (4 min) which are a little too slow, but are favorites. They are a little longer than the amount of time it takes for me to walk 1/4 mile so I end up running at the end of the song But I have put them in there specifically as my walking songs - so the goal is to keep creating cds that have more/longer songs in between the walking songs.

I did legs yesterday - not sure why I never got around to posting my workout. It was fine. I've continued to do my 100 squats per day. It is a nice bonus to do squats on the treadmill after I'm done running - I can do them to the music and enjoy the cool down after a fantastic workout.

I'm so excited about this running thing. I want to be a runner. I want to run distance, but I just hated it so much. I'm finally truly enjoying it - like seriously enjoying it. I can see that I will easily be able to increase distance and speed by listening to this kind of music. Its fun - although Dave says I'm not running, I'm dancing. WhatEVer:)