Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Beginning Date: January 7, 2008
Ending Date: March 30, 2008
Total miles: 25.55 miles
Total squats: 3700
Workout: treadmill

Distance: 2.55 miles
Time: 30:00
Speeds: 4.0/5.5/6.0

I woke up in time but after putting a load of laundry in the washer, hanging up some pictures in the bathroom and watching the weather report on tv I didn't get started running until 6:10. I really like to be finished no later than 6:45 so I can do my devotions in peace before taking a shower and the girls getting up. So I opted to cut my running short rather than skip devotions.

I increased my speed to 5.5mph. Ouch - it was tougher. I should probably stick with 5.3 for most of the running and increase it for a couple of minutes in the last running stretch (besides my last lap sprint) and work my way up that way. I don't want to overdo it or injure myself of jeopardize my enjoyment of running at this point:) It is interesting to me that .2mph makes that big of a difference - it does, I could feel it in my breathing and laboring. I think it is important to increase at some point, but I recognize (after today) that I need to do so gradually.