Monday, September 15, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: Running - 35:45
Weight: 127.4

I ran farther today without stopping to walk than I ever have before. I ran almost to the park. It was tough. I have such mental issues while running and I have to bust through them so I can run better. After I stopped for that break, I couldn't string together even a full song of running without stopping. Its mental, I know it is and I have to get over it. My legs were kind of tired this morning, too.

My weight was down to 125.2 yesterday morning and I was very excited about that! I went shopping for new khakis for our Albers picture in October and was able to buy a pair of size 6. I tried a bunch of size 8 jeans on and had the same issues as usual - gap at the waist. I have been doing really, really well this week and I didn't blow it too badly over the weekend. We had a Dykstra celebration on saturday. It was catered with fried chicken, italian beef, mostaciolli, salad and fruit. I had a small piece of chicken and didn't eat the skin, a small beef sandwich, some pasta, some salad and a bunch of fruit. And since I've given up sugar I didn't have to struggle with wanting a second piece of dessert (it looked really good:) or with feeling guilty over how many gum drops I was eating.

Yesterday Dave's parents were here all day for the Bears game. We had pizza, but I made myself a salad with a chicken breast instead. I had a couple of pieces of pizza for the taste, but didn't pig out. We went to Chili's for dinner and I had a salad there, too. So I don't think I did too bad. I didn't drink much water, though, which explains the higher weight this morning.

I'm feeling really good right now. I'm being disciplined, I'm losing, I'm getting fit. I'm doing well and enjoying it. It isn't a struggle and I'm not miserable. I'm happier this way. I feel better physically and emotionally. Its all good.