Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: running - 35:30
Weight: 125.4

I broke the 126 barrier!!! I think I was down to 125.? on Sunday morning. And I was down to - wait for it - 124.8 yesterday morning. Holy cow was I excited! Giving up sugar has definitely been a good thing for me - doing so has given me more discipline in my diet than I realized it would. I'm very, very excited about this and hope to see the scale moving down evern more!

Ran outside today. On Monday I made it almost to the park before stopping to walk. Today I made it my goal to get to the park and I made it to the sidewalk bordering the opposite end of the park. I kept telling myself that I should run to the end of the running path, but ultimately the fact that I hit my goal won out and I stopped right where I had initially set out to stop. I'm still quite proud of myself. Tomorrow I will do an easier/shorter run and on Saturday I will try to go further yet.

I want so badly to be a good runner, I'm just not sure it will ever happen... my legs are short, I am naturally slightly heavy or bigger boned and Dave is convinced I have very small lungs. I am a better runner than I was a month ago. I ran better today than I did on Monday. A year from now I will probably laugh about all of this:) I will continue to work at it and set new small goals so that I continue to improve.