Saturday, September 27, 2008

Goal: 115 by October 10

Workout: running on the treadmill
Weight: 125

Ran on the treadmill this morning because Dave had an early (for a Saturday) appointment and was running outside. Its too dark to run outside before 6:30 and I didn't want to start running after 7:00 so it was the treadmill for me, which was fine. I took an easy pace of 5.5 mph for most of the run... I still had a heartrate of 185 bpm so the slower pace doesn't make a difference in that regard (which means I have no reason to step it up to 5.6-5.8). Toward the end I increased to 5.6 and then 5.8 for the last 5 minutes. I stopped several times for this reason or that - not because I needed to, but I had to stop to say good morning to Georgia and tell her to go potty, had to stop to turn the volume up on the tv, had to stop to turn the fan on - those kinds of stops that turned into 30-60 second breaks. Other than that, though, I ran the whole time - no walking breaks (other than my 4:00 walking warmup)... so maybe 5.5 is better than 5.8.

I need to give up on this notion that I'm going to be an amazing runner right now. I need to start setting small goals for myself and reach them rather than thinking I can do it all at once. I'm afraid that as the season goes on my days of running outside may be over until spring. I'm sure I'll get out there several times yet, but they're coming to an end - its staying dark longer and I haven't quite figured out how to dress for running right now. I think I need to go out and buy a reflective vest or something so we can safely run in the dark.

I want to sit down this weekend and re-form my weight lifting routine and set some running goals.

I also have decided that I need to be content with my weight - I'm going to still work on it, but I am really good where I'm at right now - I look good, I feel good and people are noticing. I would love to lose an additional 5 - 10 pounds, but it isn't going to be fast at all because I'm simply unwilling to do the drastic measures that it would take to lose those pounds fast. I think that if I continue eating as well as I have been this month (continue my sugar fast) and continue working on hitting some running goals that the weight will eventually drop. I will be surprised if I am still at 125 by my birthday in April.

Hopefully by Sunday I will have a whole new "plan" outlined. Not really a plan, but goals and parameters.