Monday, September 29, 2008

September 29, 2008

Workout: running on the treadmill
Weight: 124.6

Lowest weight since getting pregnant with Georgia! Yea! I think right before I found out I was pregnant with her I had gotten to 123 so I'm really excited!

Ran on the treadmill this morning. I think my days of running outside are over until the spring. I just hate feeling cold like that. I'm getting less and less tolerant of cold.

I made a goal to run for 20 minutes straight without stopping. I made it and thought about running some more, but ultimately really, really wanted to stop! In hindsight, I should have kept going. Heartrate again was at 190 when I stopped.

I started at 5.6mph for the first 10 minutes and since that was getting increasingly more difficult to consider sustaining for another 10 minutes, I backed it down to 5.4 mph for the next 10 minutes. Wondering how it would be to start out at 5.4... I think I'm going to work on getting myself to running 30 minutes straight before I increase speed. My times are going to suck, but I think this is what I need to do in order to build some endurance. I'm going to increase my running by 1 minute each time and see how it goes.

I still need to sit down and refigure my weight training days - I'm considering all body weight exercises.