Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday March 1, 2010

Workout: 4 1/2 miles + 10:00 cross training
Weight: 123
Resting Heart Rate: Forgot

Great run this morning. I'm feeling so strong and confident while I'm running. Its incredibly enjoyable and I'm amazed at how quickly 4 1/2 miles became easy again. I'm really looking forward to running outside again - it will be hard, but I can't wait!

Ran at 6.0 until 4.25 miles (totally forgot to increase my pace until then). Ran the last 1/4 mile at 6.5. Feels good to open up like that - my stride is long, pace is steady.

Heart rate was 164/166 for entire run until I increased the pace.

Cross Training = 10 minutes of walking. I did a treadmill program that was designed around getting to and maintaining a certain heart rate. I was supposed to get up to 131 bpm. It took 7 minutes at a 13% incline and 3.8 mph to get back up to 131 and maintain it. I think I could have walked at 4.0 and should try that next time. Told Dave about this and he said he is also struggling to get his heart rate up while walking and doing the eliptical without making the incline or resistance ridiculous.

Today I'm getting back to a more controlled eating plan. I don't have everything planned out, but I'm going to cut out the snacky food - chex mix, target trail mixes, crackers, etc. Out. I need to go grocery shopping, but I'm going to focus back on Plant First. Last week was kind of rough in that regard.

I'm also going to begin painting throughout the house. Might not happen until after we get back from Steamboat because I need to pick out colors, but I'm going to do the entire house this year. Cornbread was offered an opportunity to transfer offices (to FL) and while we ultimately decided not to explore it, it did make us realize that 1) we are willing to move/transfer if the right office becomes available and 2) our house needs some serious work. I'm writing about this in this blog because when I paint I generally lose weight. Probably from the up and down the ladder, paint rolling etc. but also probably due to being too busy/occupied to eat. So, hopefully with a more controlled eating day and the addition of the painting activity I can reach my goal of 115 by race time. Once again, I'm not hung up on the number so much as I recognize that every pound I lose will help me run better/easier. I would like to fluctuate between 115 - 119 rather than 123 - 125.

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