Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday February 21, 2011

Workout: 3.15 miles
Time: 30:00
Pace: 9:31
Weight: 126.2

In an effort to stop being so crabby, I've revised my training schedule again and am really reconsidering the 25k... will at least do the 10k since Dave and Jason are doing the 25k, but I'm just not sure I can train for this.

The only time for me to run is in the morning before school.  Since my morning devotions are non-negotiable, this means that in order for me to get anything more than 3-4 miles done in the morning, I have to wake up at 5am.  This is fine once or twice a week, but 5 days a week and it was causing me to be crabby.  In addition, I was heading up to bed around 9:30, which means that the time that Dave and I had together alone after the girls went to bed was cut short... and the nights that he worked late (W/TH) we hardly had any time together.  

Friday afternoon I was so crabby and Dave pointed out to me that it had been more than just Friday, it had been a couple of weeks.  I'm going to try to cut my weekly runs down to 3-4 miles + stretching and see if I can still keep up with the long runs on Saturdays.  That way I can get an extra 30 minutes of sleep in the morning.  I'll have to see how this goes.  I"m not entirely counting out the 25k, but need to be honest and realistic.  This race is not worth making our home unpeaceful.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Jana, I can relate to this so much! This is why I had to cut my 5:15 classes out and why I ended up dropping my gym membership. I was falling asleep on the couch by 9 PM every night and Rob and I had a lengthy discussion about overduing things. He did not tell me what to do and was fine with me continuing the 5 AM exercises, but it started to take a major toll on me...and all of us. This is why I started running on his lunches again (I realize very few stay at home moms have this luxury and I don't take it for granted) and on the weekends. I LOVE running Sunday afternoons! I used to just nap all afternoon or lay on the couch, but I love running outside on's almost something I look forward to now.