Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday July 16, 2011

Workout: 6 miles on the treadmill
Pace: 6.0/10:00

Run went well.  I read my book again, but really focused on running continually and turning the pages while running, rather than taking a quick step-off to turn the page.  I did well until the end when I was getting tired - wasn't stepping off for every page turn, but was stepping off more frequently just to catch my breath.  I could feel my body was tired.

Thursday Dave and I got up and went for a walk with the dog in the morning before the girls work up.  It was nice.  The weather was beautiful and it was nice to go together.

Friday I went to the gym for the first time in many months and did the eliptical for 30:00.  Not a fan, but wasn't in the mood to do a dvd or to run.

I've been looking for a new gym or a way to add in some lap swimming.  Unfortunately, to join a gym with a pool would increase our monthly payment by $90-$100/month and I'm not ready to commit to that.  I think I'm going to join our high school's wellness center which is an annual membership of $125 for one person and is much more do-able.  The drawback is that it is 15 minutes away and its a sterile high school environment... these other gyms have nice, beautiful, comfortable locker rooms (mine doesn't, these other more expensive gyms) and they're extremely appealing to me :)  But while things have been better, financially, neither of us are comfortable adding that much additional monthly payment to our budget.  So I'm going to join the high school - I can't wait to swim laps!

Weight watchers went fine all week.  I basically hate everything about it.  I hate being hungry.  I hate not being able to eat normal food - I get 29 points/day.  A salad at corner bakery is 21 points.  So essentially, I can't ever go out for dinner and that ticks me off.  I said screw it last night and we went out for dinner and shared a bottle of wine, a cheese plate, some calamari and each had a cup of french onion soup & a dessert.  Sometimes I think I'd rather just be fat.

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